Chapter 21

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Neither of them knew what hit them at first. The Doctor had some strength: He rammed into the two of them, sending Cook tumbling down the stairs and Tony to the floor.

Cook got his bearings and noticed the front door was right in front of him. He could still escape, despite everything! But he looked upstairs and saw that Dr Foster was struggling with Tony. Tony was almost pinned down and the Doctor had the knife in his free hand.

Cook reached a decision. Getting to the top of the stairs as Dr Foster was about to stab Tony, he grabbed the stair railings with one hand and Dr Foster with the other. Using the last of his strength, he yanked him back in the direction of the ground floor. Cook didn't fall back, given he had a tight grip on the railing, but the Doctor stumbled down the stairs and the sound of bones breaking were clear in the air. He lay there at the bottom, moaning in agony, trying to move and making his pain even worse.

Tony grabbed Cook and again they assisted each other towards the front door of the house and left.

The Doctor had a house further away from the rest, but there were other houses nearby. They went to the closest one and explained what happened to the occupant, an elderly lady, who promptly called the police.

Tony and Cook sat in her Living room for a few minutes, silence between them. Then suddenly Cook broke down in tears.

"Stupid Freds! Stupid, stupid Freds! You should never have gone there alone! Why didn't you bring me along?!? We could have avoided all of this, everybody - Karen, me, Effy, everybody has lost the rag looking for you! We all thought you did a runner I- How will I even tell Eff?"

Tony put an arm around Cook to comfort him.

"I was wrong about you, Cook. I misjudged you badly. You could have left me to die in there. You could have killed him. But he's going down and we're alive. Freddie is - is dead, we can't do anything about that for now, but we've got to be there for her. Effy. She'll need us both to get through this."

Cook continued crying as Tony continued to reason with him. The old lady returned.

"Police are on their way now. Whichever one of you is James Cook, they're coming to take you away. Whoever this Tony is, they need a statement. They also want to talk to you about other things, they said..."

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