✨Part 2-End✨

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Well so that was my first time and a very bad memory. Now, I'm a regular here at SINOSIJAK.

"Hey~ Luhan~" I turned around and saw D.O followed by Baek. I smiled at them and took a sip of my la violierq and noticed the waiter heading our direction. He gave me a glass of wine and said that someone asked him to give that to me, specifically.

"Who gave it?" I asked curious of who gave it. He said that the man went to the restroom so I stood up to follow the unknown man. On my way there I saw someone coming out of the restroom but I didn't get the chance to look at his face. When I got inside, no one was there...

"So that guy was ..." I quickly went after the guy and grabbed his familiar figure.

"Hey you..." He turned around and I just saw the familiar face of the bastard who stole my virginity.

"..you...fucking bastard!!! Why did you gave me a drink? Why are you here,were you following me??" I said looking at him in the eye.

"What? You can't answer? Tell m- Hey!" He cut me off by pulling me out off the bar. He stopped outside and faced me but he still stayed quiet.

I waited for him to say something to explain what he did to me but he never did. I am officially pissed at him.

"What? Explain yourself! Why did you leave me? Damn it! You left me alone!"

I was shouting at him and he was still quietly looking at me. I noticed that some people were looking at us weirdly.

I was about to shout when he suddenly kissed me. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and I tried to push him off. He stopped and took a step back to look at me.

"I never meant to leave you that time but something came up and I had to go. I planned to comeback to you after but the problem was so big that I had to stay for a few more days."

He looked so sincere that I ALMOST believed him but I still had questions.

"Then why didn't you atleast send a text or call the hotel to let me know that you'll comeback? I could've waited for you."

" I didn't have time to do that but I came back for you. You weren't there anymore and you didn't leave any contact. All I had was your name."

"Have you been following me?"

"Honestly, yes."

I couldn't answer because I was struck by the emotions in his eyes.

"I came to get you back cuz you're mine. Only mine. I will never leave you alone. I swear to death." He looked so sincere.

"Y-yours?! When did I become yours?! I don't belong to anyone!"

"You became mine the moment I kissed you. You were always mine. Don't you dare run away from me. I will search the ends of the earth just to find you."

I opened my mouth to say something but he put his lips on mine and kissed me hungrily. I can't believe that I'm kissing the man who left me after doing it. The same man that I wanted for so long...is kissing me like he owns me... After sometime we stopped so we can breath.

"Well, now do you understand?" I nodded because I'm not sure of my voice

"I guess we're lovers now?" I asked

"Of course love, we are" he kissed me in the forehead and guided me to his car.

"I'll take you home now babe..." he said after opening the door to the passenger seat. We drove to my house and he stayed at my house. That night we made love like there's no tomorrow.

We promised that we'll make it up for all the time we spent waiting and searching for each other.


Dark Corners (HunHan FF) [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora