"I'm getting adopted Jug!"

"Wait what?! Betty that is amazing. I knew you would!" I smothered her in a big hug with my slender arms.

"Ella said I can leave on Friday with them!"

"F-friday?" I gulped nervously. That was two days away which meant I'd have not much longer with her.

"Don't worry Jug. We'll make it the two best days ever. I promise. But when you also get adopted we can play all the time." She said hopefully

The 'When you also get adopted' crushed me. But I swallowed it down and kept talking.

"Y-yeah totally. Do you want me to help you get packed up a bit?"

"Yeah sure Juggie"

Those two days past so much quicker then I wanted them too. I didn't cry infront of Betty but as soon as I got back to my room. I let it out. My best friend. My soul mate. Just left. I would do anything to be 5 again so we could just spend more time together. My birthday wish came true but it was still hard to watch her wave goodbye out of a window of a car.

I knew they Alice and Hal (I finally rembered his name) were lovely people and they would look after but I knew I'd miss her a hell of a lot.

We became pen pals but it wasn't the same. Within two months, I became outcasted. I sat alone. I didn't really socialise with the other kids. I was really just trying to get past unnoticed. My 10th birthday approached and by now I knew what happened when you reach double digits.

You get moved to another foster home. I was moved to an only boys one however because there wasn't any kids my age. I was the youngest amongst 13 and 14 year olds. Let's just say they weren't the kindest. The would bully me just because of how young I was. Sometimes an older kid called Aaron ,who was about 16, would come and ice a bruise or cheer me up. But he wasn't there all the time. As he was older he was allowed to spend more time out the foster home. Eric who handled the household of boys wasn't very sympathetic. He didn't care whether I got black eyes. It hurt but he puts a roof over our heads so it could be worse. He could kick me out but I was fortunate he hadn't.

~~~~~~~~~~~15 years old~~~~~~~~~

It had been 5 years and I was still stuck here. I sometimes pondered if Betty remembers me after all these years. I sure haven't forgot about her. I guess she didn't know about me moving here because the mail stopped. Or she just got tired of me but I knew Betty, she wouldn't do that. Would she?

I got into a 'fight' with an older kid. Really he just jumped me on my way home from some shops and made it seem my fault. Eric was so angry. He threatened to kick me out if it ever happened again so I am still trying to make it up to him. I got a little job at an outdoor movie theatre called the drive-in to support the foster home. I protected the younger ones like Aaron had protected me. I made sure they didn't go hungry and cheered them up when they got sad. I had always dreamt of being a big brother and now I was finally getting to act like one.

I knew there was no way that I was getting adopted. I'd had 1 or 2 offers but when they saw me I either had a black eye or a split lip. They deemed me troubled assuming I got into fights when it was just the bigger kids antics.

I was the only kid to really help Eric out like by doing chores or cooking dinner. However Eric still eyed me like I was untrustworthy. I would be lying if I said that I haven't cried myself to sleep because of it. Was I ever going to be loved?

Betty's PoV

I always wondered what was happening at the foster home when I had left. Me and Jughead became pen pals however one day it stopped. I didn't get an explanation as of why. It just did. But that was 5 years ago. However my mind always went back to him. I sent the letters a little while after he didn't reply but he never wrote back. Maybe he finally found a new family. Looking back on all our memories made me miss him 10× more. Me and this girl called Veronica made friends since we lived across the street from each other. I'd not really told her much about Jug but she knew he was my childhood best friend.

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