Let's Meet For Lunch 😁🥪

Start from the beginning

"I'm here, parked in the back in the black Ford Escape."

I squirm in the seat as I wait for a response, hoping she isn't going to chicken out, hoping I wouldn't either! After all we are only meeting to talk, so why am I squirming? I feel like I am going to pee my panties, I am so anxious, she really needs to hurry before I do! I touch up my lipstick in the visor mirror while I wait, trying to distract myself. I can feel the moisture building between my legs as I wiggle in my seat, pressing my thighs together in a futile attempt to extinguish the throbbing.

A silver car pulls up beside me and I casually look at the driver. A Cute little brunette with big brown eyes is smiling at me. I knew immediately it's Crystal. Damn! She is a cutie, big check on the "I'm attracted to her" box. She motions for me to join her in her car. I get out of my truck slowly, making sure she has a nice view of my legs. I purposely turn around, bend over and reach for my purse in my passenger seat so she can also get a nice view of my ass. I love teasing and hope she does too, anticipation is a huge turn on. I slowly slide into her passenger seat and we give each other a quick, friendly hug.

It feels like we are instant friends or friends from a past life, it is so easy and familiar. We carry on a conversation like we had known each other for years. She shares personal information with me about her past and current relationship and I sense an immediate mutual respect and connection because we have so many things in common. I miss parts of the conversation because I am busy checking her out and day dreaming about her lips feel like. She is so cute and petite. I feel like I am staring at her lips and she surely knows what I am thinking right now. My cheeks heat and she smiles at me knowingly. Even though we are meeting to see if we can develop some sort of connection, and ultimately have a naughty sexual fling, it doesn't feel weird at all, in fact it all feels so natural with her.

She had me under a spell the minute I laid eyes on her. She looks so sexy and smells delicious. Her hair about shoulder length, straight and shiny. I want to touch it, run my fingers through it as I taste her mouth. Her fingernails are short but manicured and painted a pale shade of blue. She is a little thick, which I actually prefer in a woman and her tits were a C cup easily, possibly a D. They taunt me, her cleavage peeking out of the top of the V neck of her dress. I silently wonder what color bra and panties she has on and I notice she is squirming now. I smile to myself...mmmmmm...she feels it too! She mentions an appointment to have her pussy waxed after work and from that moment forward I am a goner. I have to have her, kiss her, and taste her, lick that freshly waxed pussy for her until she cums in my mouth. She was checking me out as well, I catch her from time to time, her eyes surveying me inch by inch. She keeps licking her lips...those sexy fucking lips ...damn it...she is driving me crazy!

I want to kiss her so badly but I just can't seem to muster the guts. Every time I think the timing is perfect, I bail at the last second. I can tell she wants to kiss me too and is having a similar internal struggle to make the first move. I know our time was cutting short as I glance at my watch.

"What time is it?" she asks shyly.

"It's almost 1 already" I answer with a pouty lip.

My lips are one of my best assets and I think I'm secretly hoping she will pull me in for that kiss.

"Yeah, I need to be getting back to work too" she seems sincerely disappointed our time has gone by so quickly and I take that as a positive sign... kiss or no kiss.

"Well it was so nice to meet you," I say with a smile as I opened the passenger door, purposely pausing before closing it back and looking at her.

"I was really hoping for a kiss but I'm not sure if you want one too," I say holding my breath.

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