"What was that about?"


"The way you responded to Kristoff. You seemed unsure about yourself."

"What? No, I'm - I'm not nervous about becoming queen at all!"

"Anna," said Elsa.


"I never said you were nervous. Are you nervous?"

"Uh, well I..." Anna trailed off, her eyes avoiding Elsa's gaze.

"Whatever it is sis, you can tell me. I'm here for you," said Elsa reassuringly.

Anna did not immediately reply, but walked over to the closest window, looking out onto the courtyard of the castle. Elsa followed close behind, not saying anything. She wanted to give her sister space to speak freely.

"The truth is," Anna began, "I am nervous. Really nervous. If I'm being honest with myself, I - I don't think I'm ready to be Queen of Arendelle yet."

Both of Elsa's eyebrows shot up high into her forehead, expressing her look of shock.

"Why would you say that? You're going to be a great queen!"

"See, that's the problem. Everyone's saying that I'm going to be a great queen, that I'm going to lead Arendelle into a bright future. But  what if I can't? What if I mess up? What if I can't live up to be the queen everyone expects me to be?" As Anna said all this, her voice was shaking slightly.

Elsa's initial look of shock at the sudden reveal of her sister's insecurities was quickly replaced with a very soft expression. She took both of Anna's hands and gave them a soft squeeze.

"Oh Anna, when will you see yourself the way I do?"

Anna, who realised what her sister was doing, opened her mouth to argue, but Elsa continued to say, "You always bring the best out of people. Take me for example. When I ran away from the castle on the night of my coronation, you were the one that came looking for me, to bring me back. If it weren't for you, I'd still be up there on the north mountain," Elsa paused for awhile before she said, "alone."

"But technically that was because I needed you to come back and thaw out the fjord," Anna protested, but to no avail, as Elsa continued on, ignoring this particular remark.

"And Kristoff," Elsa was now saying, "before you met him, he was this, hard, emotionless man. But now, because of you, he's learned to get in touch with his emotional side. He's learned to connect better with others, because of you. You changed him."

"Well, yeah, but you, you saved everyone's lives when you stopped that tidal wave from washing over Arendelle. I could never do that." Anna dropped her gaze, refusing to look into her sister's eyes.

"Anna, look at me," said Elsa gently as she lifted Anna's chin with her hand, "you can't compare the things you've done to the things I've done. We're all different, so we've got to play to our strengths. Trust me, trust me, when I say, you are going to make a great queen for Arendelle. And I whole heartedly believe in what Kristoff said earlier. You will be the greatest queen Arendelle has ever had to date. I believe in you, sis."

Upon hearing these words, Anna's eyes began to fill with tears. "You really do?" asked Anna, her breathing now heavy.

"One hundred percent. You are the person Arendelle needs right now, more than ever. That's why I was happy to give up the throne to you." said Elsa.

Without warning, Anna threw herself into her elder sister's arms, hugging her tightly. "Thank you," she said, "so very very much. For believing in me. For everything you just said to me. I love you, Elsa."

Elsa reciprocated the hug, and patted Anna lovingly on the back, who was now sobbing silently. "Hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be all right. And besides, if anything does go wrong," Elsa pulled Anna out of the hug so that the two were now looking straight into one another's eyes, "you'll always have me." she said with a smile.

"Oh you have to stop using my own words against me," said Anna as she pulled Elsa in for another hug.

Several hours later, all the people of Arendelle were already gathered in the Great Hall. But not just the people of Arendelle, citizens from all over the world came, people of Northuldra, people of Corona, even the Southern Isles sent a representative that wasn't Hans this time. There was a great buzz in the hall, it was the liveliest it had ever been that year. And then, a trumpet sounded, and the buzz died out as silence filled the hall with anticipation. People were craning their necks to get a better view of their new queen who was standing up in front.

"I present to you, Queen Anna, of Arendelle."

As Anna took the orb and sceptre in each of her hands and faced the crowd, she looked slightly over to her left, where she could see Elsa standing in the front row, beaming at her. She smiled back.

Yeah, she was going to do just fine.

Anna's CoronationWhere stories live. Discover now