Chapter 9

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Once I finally got home, I flopped on my bed and just lay there in relief that I don't have to deal with, Gabby, Homework, etc.
I get up and go to my backpack and get out my phone. My phone is in my hand and I catch my eye on the letter from Jeff. I decide to text him because I wanted to tell him what happened I'm sure he would get a laugh out of it, so I start texting.

Charlie: Hey, Jeff it's me Charlotte I really appreciate the letter you sent me last night.

Still no response... I didn't want to be weird so I didn't text him again.

An hour later...
Finally got a response

Jeff: Oh hey Charlie, sorry was in a meeting with slender and the proxies about some dumb shit.
What's up?

Charlie: lmao, well I kinda got suspended from school so that's new.. XD

Jeff: oml what did you do now?

Charlie: got into a fight..and I kinda threw a punch first.

Jeff: oh god, did you get hurt?

Charlie: Nah, She was mostly the one getting hurt.

Jeff: okay? Lmao

Jeff: do you need me to come over?

Charlie: no I'm good, if you want you can idc.

Jeff: okay I won't go then, btw what did that person do that got you pissed off?

Charlie: Talking shit about my dad.

Jeff: Damn. Alright I'll talk to you later, bye Charlie ;)

Charlie: Bye!

It was nice talking to him, I was thinking about him a lot like more than usual.
I actually loved him a lot he seemed very nice to me and caring.
I shook my head around and tried to stop thinking about it because I needed to sleep soon since it was around 9pm. Damn did time go faster? I asked myself.
I decided to change into my favorite color pajamas with matching shorts. I turn off the light and start to fall asleep.

**Jeffs POV**
It got late, usually I go to kill someone at this time and I was in the mood to so, why not? I put on my white hoodie and shoes and head out to the neighborhood where Charlie lived. I tried looking for that bitch that talked shit about her dad but she didn't give me details, Damnit.
I tried to think of a bitch looking face and wounds on her face.
I walked around a bit and finally I found a girl with around 3 to 4 girls and i overhear a girl talking about Charlie so I just knew that, that was the bitch I was looking for.
A few minutes later the bitch walked into her house I followed her and it looked like she was home alone so it was perfect.
I saw her go upstairs so I jump over her backyard fence and pick the lock on the back door.
I head inside the house and make my way upstairs with my knife in my hand.
I open the bedroom door, she screamed
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" She yelled at me.
I simply said, "That doesn't matter, what matters is for you to, Go. To. SLEEP!"
My knife went into her chest and I sliced her neck so she can have a slow death, I can see her eyes starting to fade away, until her eyes finally closed with the blood on her bed surrounding her dead body.

Do you Trust me? (Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now