chapter 2

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The next day team taka wasted no time in removing the eyes of some of the Hyuga and selling them to the highest bidder, Karin removed the eyes carefully while Suigetsu gladly exposed of the bodies. "Yahoo! Who knew working for Sasuke could bring in this much cash! Imagine all the swords I could buy!" Suigetsu commented while he eyed all the money they had received. Karin rolled her eyes and gave a scoff. "Don't be an idiot! We are going to spend the money on food and clothes! We need to restock!" The Hozuki gave a dull look. "pfff... name me one time a rice ball or your short-shorts saved your ass in a fight huh? Oh that's right... it  never has!" "Shut up dick for brains!" She punched him making part of his face turn into water. "Bitch!" Suigetsu spatted before they began to glare at each other. "Where is Sasuke anyways? Thought he'd be doing this with us." Jugo question as he counted the money making his two teammates turn away from each other in a huff. "He's lurking around the cells..." Suigetsu answered. "Again?" Jugo question making the Hozuki give a bored nod.

Sasuke stood in front of the cell Hinata was being kept in, he stared at her rather fragile and depressed form. She wouldnt look at him, her face was hidden, buried in her arms. He couldn't really blame her for being in such state but he felt no remorse for destroying the village nor killing Naruto both were in his way and now the only thing in his way were the bars infront of him that he could pass at any moment but he knew if he approached her now she would only fear him more then she already did at this moment but he couldn't stop staring at her, she had grown so much since the last he saw her, she changed from the cute little girl he knew to the beautiful young woman he wanted to hold. Sasuke for once had much he wanted to say but knew how to express none of it which made him just stare at her.

During the next couple of days team taka stayed busy selling Byakugans and raking in the dough but Sasuke had little interest in money or whom bought the Huyga's Dojutsu. Sasuke's only interest was Hinata who he would spend hours staring at silently as thoughts ran through his head, with his time being near the prisoners he noted the Hyuga Clan were quiet and proud even during death but he expected nothing less from such a noble clan. There Dojutsu brought in a good bit of money that would allow team taka to live comfortably for a good while. As the days went on the number of the Hyuga decreased and soon it was only Hinata left, with her clan gone Sasuke finally decided to make his move, he took her from her cell which earned him odd looks from his team mates when he passed them. "What's he doing with her?!" Karin asked in a jealous tone. "Maybe he is horny... ya know for the longest time I didn't think he was into women." Suigetsu said with a shrug and toothy smirk making Karin glare at him. "Shut up!" Sasuke took Hinata to his private room, she didn't fight against him allowing the Uchiha to drag her. She stood stiffly in his room while he stood roughly a foot away from her. Sasuke glanced over her form, Hinata's eyes looked at the floor until he grabbed her chin making the Hyuga look at him. "Hinata..." she avoided his eye making him let her go. "You have nothing to fear from me." She glanced around the room wondering if she would be able to escape now that she was out of her cell, using her Byakugan she glanced around the room looking for the best escape route. "Were will you go if you escape?" He asked making her deactivate her Byakugan. "There is no home to return to. The village is gone, the people died." "Why... why did you do this...?" She whispered in a broken voice trying not to tear up. "Why?" He turned away from her. "The village was the reason for the slaughter of my clan... the reason my brother was labeled as a criminal... they deserved to pay for their crimes." "There was some innocent people not everyone done you wrong..." she claimed. "It was necessary, they would have gotten in my way... they were all in the way... especially Naruto..." Sasuke said as he turned back to her. "But... but Naruto... he wanted to help you."  Hinata claimed with watery eyes. "That dobe..." Sasuke snorted as he threw his hands up. "He didn't deserve you! He never noticed you, he never truly cared for you but I do... don't you understand? I did this all for you, for me, for us..." "What do you want from me?" She asked as she backed away from him. "I want you..." he stated bluntly as he stepped closer to her. . "I always have." Her eyes grew wide at his words before he pulled out the old crumbled photo. "Do you remember?" Hinata glanced at the photo and her mouth hung open slightly. "You..." "our clans were close allies before the massacre of my clan... I would see you during clan meetings and family gatherings. Our mothers were friends, we would play together often but your clan broke off the alliance shortly before the Uchiha's massacre which made us enemies even after the massacre I could never get close to you again your clan was always watching... but now they can't get in the way, nothing can. We will be together forever now." He touched her shoulders lightly while she just stared wide eyed at the mad man standing in front of her speechless unsure what to say or do.

Sasuke's obsession how an Uchiha loves(Incomplete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن