Chapter one

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Third person POV (A/N: this Fanfiction will be written mostly in this POV but i will switch sometimes when it's the present and individual thoughts matter, hope it's ok and if you prefer something else)

"Oh, so I am the irrational one?!"

Jeremy rubbed his eyes in an annoyed manner. Why couldn't things just be right, just quiet, calm.

But it wasn't. He slowly looked up across the table where Christine was sitting, hot tears threatening to leave her eyes, as she looked outside. It wasn't a nice day; it wasn't a bad either tho. It was... Neutral... The grey sky felt like it was waiting for him to go outside, stand in the wind and just calm down, but that would only make things worse.

Why were they even arguing again? The tension between them after the 3 months of living together was slowly starting to fill the apartment, till he felt like he wasn't able to breathe. It was as if each argument, each hurtful word was creating a smoke he could not see or smell. But he could feel it and it was suffocating.

The Blueberry pancakes he made for them were now cold, laying one over another, as if they were about to fall over. It was supposed to be a nice surprise after the tension that has been growing over the week. He woke up early, stood an hour in the kitchen and even made a few heart-shaped pancakes. Since he was 17 he started to cook and found it amusing, fun even, ignoring the fact that what he made wasn't always eatable.

But Christine would always help him with it, her beautiful smile able to lift his mood like nothing else in the world. Her laughter so sweet and angelic, that the room always seem to lit up.

So how did it come to her silently crying now as he was also on the verge of tears. They had stupid arguments over.. nothing.

After he made breakfast, Michael called so he sat down and took a few of the freshlymade pancakes and started eating. At this point he was STARVING so he enjoyed the warm food he prepared for him and his girlfriend. A few moments later Christine walked in. There she was, with a smile that always made him feel like the 15 year old boy he once was, the one that fell inlove with her, in her long night shirt and the cutest bed hair he could imagine. She woke up to Jeremy roaming in the kitchen and after smelling her favorite food was hoping to eat breakfast together and forget about the tension for once. As she walked in Jeremy just finished his call and was writing Michael a text that he had to go and to wish him luck with sorting things out with his irlfriend. In the other hand he had the pancakes placed before him so that it looked like he was planing on eating aout 20 of them alone. As soon a Christine saw this, her smile dropped and was replaced with a hurt expresion. You see, Christine found one thing very important:

Always eating together.

It was like one of the deadly sins to eat alone. It made her feel like the person doesn't want her around and is trying to ignore her wich always felt like she was stabbed in the back. She ignored Jeremy and his attempts in talking to her.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Jeremy said with a smile, lowering his head to kiss her cheek. She just turned her back to him wich left the boy blinking in confusion, not quite understanding what was going on.

Christine wouldn't look, wouldn't talk, seemingly very hurt but he couldn't figure out what the problem was. Suddenly she bursted out and they started arguing.

It started with smal nothings, stupid mistakes but somehow they ended up here.

Siting across the table, both (Jeremy was still holding back) in tears, with limp, cold blueberry pancakes in front of them.

Jeremy's POV

Why does it have to be like this..? Is this really such a big deal or is it just-

I looked at Christine. Her face was stained with silent tears wich made my heart ache. I didn't want to see her like this. All of this was my fault, if I would just not be such a dumb exuse of a boyfriend it would have never come to this.

I slowly moved my left hand, trying reach hers over the table but as soon as I touched her skin she flinched and moved away. Far away. She rested her head on the window that showed the city, the moving cars in the distance flashing before her eyes. We were on the 4th floor where the sun always shined brightly and warm at the beginning and the end of the day. It was just slowly starting to get warm outside, the weather still caught in a slowly passing fight with itself. It was windy outside, the sky grey, as i fthe sun was trying to escape our fight. A very dumb fight. And it was my  fault.

I slowly stood up not being able to live in this silence and not being able to comfort her. How should I do that for my own mistake?

Look what you made her do, she's crying and it's all your fault

I looked at her again. I couldn't handle this silence, her tears glimmering in her eyes seeming to never stop falling. I went over to her and treid to hug her but she agin flinched and turned her back on me. I sighed.

I gently pressed my lips at the back of her head. I slowly walked over to the door that led into the hall. It was small, a plce with to bright light, ramed with shoes and jakets before the front door.

You didn't even appologise, did you

I stopped, wanting to say something but suddenly my mouth felt dry and my mind went blanck. I stood there for god knows how long, feeling like it's been hours in silence. My back was still turned to her and I just stood there opening and closing my mouth.

I walked into the hall.

I'm so stupid

I started putting my jaket and shoes on, going for a walk. Fresh air, that's what I needed right now, that's what would calm me down. Just 15 minutes at most and I would be back, I would apologize and we would be ok, we would be fine. Yeah..

He would know what to do-

No. I tried ignoring this thought. It was always moments like these I thought of him.

"I'm... I'm going outside for a walk... I'll be back in 10 minutes..."

She didn't look at me, just stared out the window. I sighed again and waited for the elevator to arive.

Deal - Jeresquip (Jeremy x Squip)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat