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"We should probably start to head back" Wolfy quietly told her friends when the woods around them began to turn darker. "The place seems empty and there's a cemetery nearby"

"Do the dead frighten you, child?" Ropey asked with a small smile to her younger friend

Wolfy just sighed at the thought that she could have been at home safe, sound and studying instead of attempting to break into an old abandoned warehouse that was legally off-limits. 

She was a young girl, with a bright future into multiple colleges but she had to admit that she couldn't have done it without her troublesome friends.

"The dead are dead," Hopey said while looking through the fence that blocked them from the warehouse. 

"Yeah, and we got no business with the dead" Ropey assured Wolfy and gave her a side hug.

Wolfy smiled a bit and decided to follow along "But are they truly dead?"

"Why wouldn't they be?" Blocky said from behind pulling out a flashlight for each member of their group. "I mean, what proof do we have that they're dead"

"Jus' a bunch of bones and rotten flesh," Ropey jeered earning a sharp nudge from Hopey as a reminder to stay quiet.

Wolfy just rolled her eyes but she couldn't keep the smile off her face. Although dangerous, she had to admit, the stuff her friends did with such a careless attitude would never cease to amuse her.

A light breeze ran through the forest, the sun was completely gone now and the moon was only just rising. The animals of the night were now fully awake and just beginning their daily night activities.

Dommy and Louey ran across the warehouse main street and shook the fence once, alerting the group that the coast was clear for them to sneak into.

"Come on!" Shouted Louey running back the way he came from.

The rest of the group followed Hopey's cue to sneak over or under the fence and into the restricted area of the warehouse.

Ropey kept back making sure they were all surely clear of any humans and then followed them inside the abandoned place.

Once inside Louey pulled out his speaker and began to look for an outlet. "Hey anyone sees a place I can charge my speaker?" He asked

Ropey snickered "whaddya gonna do? Blast 'How Do You Sleep' all day?"

"Damn right I will" Louey retorted

Hopey shook her head and began to explore the place.

The gang had gone there to search for some sort of value that they would be able to find, take, and sell for a fortune.

Wolfy sighed at the actions of her friends. While she didn't approve of their actions, she would never stop them from doing what they do best.

After a couple of hours, the gang found a satisfying amount of valuables and were ready to head out when Louey suggested they stay and use the place as a hangout.

They danced for a bit to the music of their choice around a metallic trash can that they lit on fire for light and warmth.

Wolfy, who never was much if a party person refused to dance along and would rather have sat down and read one of her books.

But even so, her friends somehow managed to convince her otherwise and so she joined.

That day marked another memory of the good times they had together as a gang.

As a group.

It was strange how they came to be, a multitude of different personalities that seemed wouldn't mix well together somehow formed a gang.

A family.

But as always good things never last.


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