Chapter 9

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"Friends?" Kirishima asked you with his hand out
"Yeah.." You replied and shook his hand
Next day
Kirishima POV
She accepted!? Finally the plan is coming together
First become her friend...check he smiled deviously
"A-are you ok?" (Y/N) asked worryingly
"Oh yeah in fine!" I replied
Does she know something?...
Bakugo walked over to our table "everything ok (Y/N)?" Bakugo looked Worried then stared at you
"What do you want!"Bakugo yelled at me "babe it's ok we're friends now"
Hopefully she actually thinks that and it's not a scam..
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Bakugo yelled again "Nothing" I said with a smile.
Does he really mean it?... We're friends?! I hope this isn't a scam..
"Babe?" "Huh!" Bakugo was looking at you "the bell rang it's time for class!"
~next day you and kirishima are talking~
"So how's being with Bakugo?" Kirishima asked weirdly
"Your asking that a lot are you ok?.." I asked him worried
"Oh I'm fine" totally haha
Kirishima seems a bit weird
"Listen up princess he is mine understand that he will never be yours forever I'll get him. And if you tell anybody about this.... You're.dead."
I'll say I'm a bit scared of him.. He just threatened to kill me while I have Bakugo in my side he's never giving up...
~Bakugo POV~
This seems a bit fucking fishy...
First he liked me now he's (Y/N)s friend I don't think he's really (Y/N)s friend...
~normal POV~
"(Y/N)! Can I talk with you for a second?"Bakugo yelled to (Y/N)
"Yeah sure what's up?"(Y/N) replied
"Don't you think this befriending with kirishima thing you know THE GUY WHO ALMOST KILLED YOU??"
"Yeah im sure why you so worked up?"
"I'm just worried about you.. Ok?"
"I understand babe but he won't hurt me oh here he is now! Hey kiri!"
"Oh hey (Y/N)"kirishima replied
Why won't Bakugo leave so I can kill her!
"So you and her huh.."Bakugo asked questionably
"Yeah!"kirishima replied happily
Bakugo pull kirishima to the side
Nows my time!
"If you hurt her I will kill you and if your catfishing you will never catch me"
"Uhh I don't know what you mean?" Kirishima replied quickly
He's on to me...
"I'm not trying to cat fish you off never in over you now friends?"kirishima rambled on
Kirishima had his hand out and Bakugo just walked away
Bakugo POV
I don't believe him I feel like he's cat fishing I really don't feel comfortable...
Kirishima POV
He's on to me he knows some thing...
To be continued
Word count-482

I am so sorry this took so long but hey new chapter were so close to 500! Yay! I know you guys can help share this book with your friends!

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