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  Drip-Drop, Drip-Drop. A pipe leaks in a lonely dark alley at night. Somewhere deeper inland a church bell rings. It's faint but I can make out the time. It's already ten o'clock. The sunset was hours ago. Except for one streetlight lighting up part of one street, the rest of this part of town is in total darkness. This makes it easier for me to carry out my work.

  The faint sound of pop music also reaches my ears. Hmm... probably some late night party in some club. I crouch lower, my face hidden behind the mask, my cloak covering the rest of my body. Somewhere above, on a rooftop a cat meows and a dog barks near a trash can.

  I wait. No one comes.

  I wait some more. 

  Well, many people don't come this way, especially at night.

  I'm sweating from head to toe by now, in this hot place. Big drops of sweat are running down my spine. Oh, how I wish I were on a rooftop right now. Sitting in one position this long is giving me cramps and I'm going to have one heck of a backache.

  Maybe I should just give up and call it a night. Sigh ! This may be one of those awful nights that are uninteresting with no action. How boring!

  Finally, after almost two hours of waiting, I hear heavy footsteps. The owner of the footsteps is coming closer.  A person in his mid-thirties turns the corner. Now's my chance. I'm unnoticed. I'm always unnoticed. I creep quietly from behind and tackle the guy and knock him senseless. All this takes about ten minutes. Now he's on the ground, completely still, unconscious. He isn't carrying anything in his hands so I search his pockets. Some money, candy, pins... nothing of real importance. Sigh ! I pull up his sleeves. His watch looks expensive. Well, now it belongs to me. I notice he's coming back to his senses, so I quickly snatch and put whatever I can in my pockets and slip into the neighbouring alley and make a dash for it, the moment I reach the inner, lonelier streets of the town. I dump my stuff in my secret hideout. I take off the mask and the dark cloak and walk the rest of the way home.

  It was a good night. This is how all my nights  end. As you might have guessed I'm a thief. A criminal. I have my reasons. And it's rather interesting and addictive. I can't help it. It's kind of become my job.

   I steal. Yeah, I know that's quite bad and all, but I don't steal from the poor and I don't kill. Well, I have never killed before and shall never ever kill. That's a crime line that I shall never ever cross. And I won't let anyone know my identity. That will be known only by me and you of course.

   The sky looks great from this town. All the stars shining brightly. I actually love sky watching. It calms my mind after my criminal activities.

   As soon as I reach home I jump through the window to my room. It's a small house. Barely holds all eight members. Well, yeah, I know that's a big family I've got, but they don't suspect a thing.


   The next morning the first thing I hear is that rickety old lawn mower. It's so old and rusty that it barely works. But, as we try and make the best use of things, I think it's going to be with us for another five years at the most. By that time we should be able to see it's inside machinery.

   My dad works as a mechanic in a small shop he owns. Sometimes my brothers and I help him out. He gets a fair amount of money since there are only two mechanics in town. My mum works in the bakery in the market. She doesn't bake but she's good at selling the items. Sometimes she also gets us little treats.  

My Deepest Darkest Secret: Crimes of a Highschool Criminal (Part I/II) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt