A Prison Indeed

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TW: Sickness, vomit. That second warning begins at "Livvy had her hands pressing down on Tam's thighs with Lady Zillah who almost looked as if she were pulling some sort of ink out of his legs with her fingertips." and ends two paragraphs later.

9:21 a.m.

Tam looked around at his new prison walls. White. The floor. White. The ceiling. White. The cot he was confined to. Also, white. The only splash of color in the whole room was the girl who'd fallen asleep with her upper body rested on his cot, the boy asleep in a similar chair to the one the girl was in, and an adult in a final chair closest to the door, reading a book. He'd failed to realize the Shade was awake.

If it weren't for his current situation, he would've begun to wonder if he'd died last night. But even then, a certain banshee was curled up on a counter top, sleeping soundly.

He could tell that he'd been given a slur of medications. Pain meds being one of those things, though even then he could still feel the soreness which had spread from just his calves to the middle of his thighs as well. Tam wondered if he was supposed to even be conscious yet.

The sound of a door creaking open and the sight of a familiar physician brought him out of his thoughts in a moments notice, however. Elwin, also not noticing Tam was awake, emerged from his office, walking over to the white cabinet just above Bullhorn and pulling it open to reveal a large array of elixirs. To occupancy him, he'd also brought out a tray of which he began to set a few elixirs into. It didn't take much for Tam to realize what they were for.

Tiergan set down his book, glancing over at Tam. His eyes widened with a bit of surprise before he masked it with a gentle smile and stood up slowly, soundlessly making his way to the opposite end of the cot.

"Hey, bud." He hushed, bringing up a hand to run through Tam's hair. "You should've told me you were up. How are you feeling?"

Tam stole a glance towards where his legs were hidden under the blanket and shrugged. "Fine. Tired."

Tiergan looked at his legs as well for a moment. "Does it still hurt?" He asked, hesitantly.

Tam shrugged again. "Kinda. It's sore. And up to my thighs now." He didn't really want to admit it, but he was sort of terrified of a redo of last night. It was better to be honest and blunt for the time being.

Tiergan nodded as Elwin walked over saying, "These should help."

Tam eyed them suspiciously while Tiergan helped him into a seated position. "How bad's the taste scale?"

"Think of dirty socks mixed with chunky mud all the way to an earwax smoothie?" Elwin made a face.

Tam offered a fake grin, picking up the first vial which held a pink liquid. He thought about just doing it Keefe style and swallowing four of them at once before the feeling of someone sitting awake cut him off.

He waited as Linh poked her head up and rubbed her eyes moments prior to staring at everyone in confusion. It took a minute for everything to click into her brain.

"First thing in the morning, huh, Tammy?" She asked, stretching out her back.

"I've been awake for a bit." Was all Tam said before deciding to open and swallow the first elixir.

Elwin wasn't joking about that taste, huh. Tam gagged a few times, forcing the rest of the cursed pink drink down. At some point his sister had gotten up to retrieve him a refreshing bottle of water, which he took gratefully.

A few other elixirs had Tam nearly wanting to just give up completely, but he managed to get through them all soon enough. By that time, Wylie had woken up as well, and had decided to station himself next to his dad.

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