Goodwife Doctor Végerdr Holy-Field

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A Chirurgeon of Difelin

She received a typical "farm-wife's" education, learning to spin flax and perform other domestic tasks expected of a traditional housewife, but she also received a merchant's education from her father, learning to read and write. Later in life, she went on to study nursing, physick, and magick.


Végerdr is a mature-looking woman of thirty-three years, with light blonde hair worn in a long, thin, luxurious braid to the middle of her back, and has the common blue-grey eyes of the Yoruach. She has a ruddy complexion, and her seamed skin reflects her years of care and worry.

She dresses conservatively in the attire appropriate to her class and station, an ankle-length linen under-dress or shift, with the neck closed by a brooch, over which she wears a hangerock or an apron-skirt, a shorter length woolen dress suspended by shoulder straps fastened by brooches, constructed of two separate panels. When working as a healer and nurse, she hangs an additional fabric panel by loops from the brooches of her hangerock over the suspended dress, along the lines of an apron, and carries needed items (e.g., keys, scissors, needles, a knife, and a whetstone) suspended by cords or chains from her brooches, or from her belts. She frequently carries all of her other necessary surgical tools (knives, saws, scalpels, retractors, and such) in a black leather bag.

She often wears the ankle-length coat-like robes and mantle of a physician and scholar over her suspended dress. She often uses a tri-lobed brooch to fasten the neck opening of her clothing.

When not working, she frequently strings glass or amber beads, or other jewelry between the brooches of her hangerock.

She typically wears calf-high leather boots, with linen socks in summer and woolen socks in winter.

As a married woman (even a widow), she always wears a knotted kerchief as a head covering in public.

She also applies body paint in enough quantity to seem unusual, a popular style in Difelin these days.


Végerdr lives at #4 Caorthann Lane, Vôdinaz Village District, Difelin, between Upper Mocholmoc Street and Nornir Lane, in the former two-story residence of a family of noble birth. The building has been well-worn by heavy daily use, but is now undergoing extensive repairs.

Végerdr's two-story house has a flat roof with small windows. Built of stone, it appears subtly unpleasant, with harsh, angular lines. The windows are securely latched from within and crisscrossed with metal bars.


Végerdr has three servants: a live-in manservant who handles maintenance and repairs around the property, a cook/alewife who comes in during the day to provide meals, and a domestic who comes in during the day to clean, take out trash, serve dinner and handle laundry.

The cook is a mature Aukrian woman named Gaëlle who lives in Lower City. She has a friendly, curious, inquisitive, cheerful, and soft-hearted nature, but is also a greedy, lazy spendthrift. She is immoral but brave. She is a collector of porcelain, china, and crystal. Despite her faults, she's an excellent cook, well-trained and experienced. She is treated justly and kindly, but with little discipline. She receives a bonus to her pay every two months, and Végerdr uses her own magick to benefit Gaëlle. Gaëlle has worked for Végerdr for less than 5 years and is loyal, always attempting to further the ends of Végerdr, even at great risk.

The domestic is a youthful Yoruan woman named Herildr who lives in Ifan district (above the Snarl). She has a friendly, suspicious, cautious, compassionate, sensitive and forgiving nature. She has an active intellect. She is an energetic and lustful young woman. She is mean with her money and has an interest in politics. She's an untrained peasant who is treated justly and kindly, with firm and fair discipline administered often. She receives a bonus to her pay every two months, and Végerdr uses her own magick to benefit Herildr. She has worked for Végerdr for less than a year and her loyalty is fair; she will support Végerdr's cause as long as no great risk to herself is involved.

Doctor Végerdr Holy-Field, Lady Anatomist of DifelinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ