I couldn't believe it. Ellie, the girl we had trusted, the girl we had let help us was Krism's killer and kidnapper. It had all been an act. I closed my eyes and my head fell. This didn't make any sense. Minx was so close, she could have saved her...

Suddenly there was noise from within the forest. My eyes darted over to Asha, who was still on the phone and then back to the forest.

Both me and Zoe were getting ready to attack when the person I had expected least to come through those woods, came running in. Dlive.

His eyes went to Krism and then to me and Zoe and than to Asha and than back to me.


"Dead," A voice finished for him.

I craned my head to see three girls behind them. Two of them looked normal, but then the last one... there was something off about her. I glanced at her eyes and gasped.

One of her eyes. It was blue.

"It's blue," I stated out loud.

The girl tilted her head to the side and slowly nodded.

"Zoe it's blue," I said backing up.

The girl gave us a curious look before saying, "Dlive what's going on?"

Dlive was to focused on Krism. The other two girls stepped in front of the girl and I stepped in front of Zoe.

"You killed her. I knew it wasn't Ellie."

"What? You think I killed Krism!"

"Her energy was drained by either a red eye or a blue eye. Ellie would never do that so..."

"What do you mean Ellie would never do that! She was a monster! She tried to steal Minx from my cousin!"


"Yeah! Krism and Minx were happily in love when Krism's sister decided to come in! Of course Ellie could do something like this!"

I stumbled back again, trying to process all of what she said. Ellie was Krisms sister... and killer. My eyes squinted shut. I couldn't process all of this. I knew if I took another step back, I would be at the edge of the cliff. Maybe... maybe that would be for the better. If I just... I didn't have time to think. I just did.

I don't know what happened next, but all I could remember was darkness.

Minx's POV

How do you say bored in every language known to mankind? It would help pass the time since I was currently walking the streets of L.A. brainwashed.

You aren't brainwashed.

Hey, your that voice! The nice voice! You said you would help me pick the right path!

Minx, just listen to me. Right now, you are going down the wrong path.

Ya think! I kissed Ellie and left Krism to die!

But you can change paths. You just need to think of her.

Who? Ellie?

No, Michelle, Krism. Your Krism. The girl who was always there for you. The girl who was besides you through think and thin.

My world. My light. My everything...

Yes, and you see if you don't think of her you'll start forgetting.

Forgetting what?

Everything. Your friends, your Krism, your life. Your past will be a blur and she will be in control.

Who's she this time?

The dark voice in your head. The one that's making you do everything you don't want to do.

But, that can't be right! It helped me! It helped me feel strong! It made me embrace who I was.

No, it made you loose her and everyone else. You need to remember her and than you'll have her back.

What? No that can't be right! Voice help! Voice? Voice! Dang it! Why do you have to go now! Now I have to figure it all out by myself...

Okay, remember. Remember her... Remember Krism.

It won't help.

Geez, why do I have voices in my head!

Don't worry Minx, soon it will be my head, and you'll be nothing but a lost soul.

Okay, creepy...

The truth can be scary.

No, not scary, creepy. There's a different. I'm not afraid of you. I'll find Krism again and I'll save her.

You still have courage. I'm impressed. Don't worry. You'll forget soon. And then you'll be with them.

Them? Them?!? What do you mean them! Who else is dying!

Goodbye Michelle.


Sorry for the short, crappy chapter. I had to update my other story too. I hope you enjoyed :)

All Alone (Mangaminx)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें