2) Xiao Ying Must Leave the Mountain

Start from the beginning

"How did you even know? How did you find us?"

"About a month ago, Lan Clan's disciples were night hunting around this area and found a dirty Lan Clan headband buried under leaves and dirt. It had blood on it meaning the said disciple wearing it would most likely be injured or deceased. The latter was more of a realistic thought as no Lan Clan disciples had been in the area since five years ago when Wen Clan members were trying to kill my sister and her husband. The two ran this way to get as far as possible but they caught up and killed them. Before being killed, they hid the baby. I didn't know where, but I knew she wasn't dead. The headband that was retrieved was my sister's. I know it was hers because her name was embroidered onto the back of it, all this leads to my theory I have. I would like to see if this disciple of yours is my niece."

"As I said, we will leave the decision up to her."

"Baoshan Sanren, I beg of you, if she is family, let the child go home with me. Her senior brothers only saw her once before losing her on that tragic day. Please help convince her."

She simply looked at the man before having all the disciples gathered into the Heaven Room.

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Once they arrived, the duo began to run around, playing with the butterflies and enjoying their time together. They continued to play until they were tired and sat down in the shade under a big blossom tree. "Gege?"

"Yes, Xiao Ying?"

"Do you ever wonder about what life would be if we all had parents and didn't live with Baoshan Sanren?"

"I used to when I was younger, but once I got older, I realized that those thoughts wouldn't actually happen and just enjoyed having all the siblings here on the mountain. Why? Do you wonder?"

"Not really. I more so wonder about who my parents are rather than if they were here. I just wonder who my parents are and why they left me. But I don't want to live anywhere else than here on Celestial Mountain. I like having lots of senior sisters and brothers. It isn't lonely because we are all together."

"I like it here too. I also like it here because I get to take care of you. I never really talked to the others before you arrived. I was too shy and scared to talk to anyone, but when you came you only wanted to play with me, and I appreciate that."

"You are the best 师兄(senior brother) anyone could ask for!"

"And you are the best 妹妹 (younger sister) anyone could ask for. Let's play a little more before you have to go to bed. If we play more you will be more tired and go to sleep faster."

As the two got up and continued to chase the butterflies, another disciple rushed towards them.

"Xingchen, Baoshan Sanren wants all disciples to report to Heaven room immediately."

"We'll be right there." Yiying jumped onto Xingchen's back for a piggyback ride as they hurried towards Heaven Room.

Upon arrival, Xingchen lowered his body so Yiying could safely land on the floor. They held in their giggles as they entered the room and went to their respective standing positions. Lan Clan stood in two straight lines in the center of the room with Lan Qiren standing in between the two neat lines in the front.

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