Chapter Two: Self Unimprovement

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Popee was acting fucking psycho, trying to beat the frog into submission. Kedamono was fucking horrified.

"JUST. JUMP. THROUGH. THE. HOOP!" Popee yelled in anger, smacking the frog.

"Popee, stop it!" Kedamono begged.

Popee turned to him with a snarl. "Shut up, Kedamono, or I'll shove this hoop up your ass!"

That kept him quiet.

Popee continued to angrily mutter death threats to the frog, who would not give in to his demands. That was the number one thing that pissed him off.

He got up, squeezing the frog's throat tight. He was twitching angrily.

"You, jump through the hoop," He started. "Or I'll fucking cut you into little pieces, and make you into risotto."

"Popee!" Kedamono shrieked. "He's just a frog, stop it!"

"A stupid, disobedient frog!" Popee yelled, squeezing his throat tighter.

Then, he threw him through the hoop. Frog hit the sand with a splat, the air having already left his lungs.

"Popee, oh my god!" Kedamono screamed in terror, rushing to the frog's aid.

He scoffed. "He should've listened to me, then."

And with that, Popee stomped off, leaving Kedamono horrified and disgusted.

So many thoughts ran through his head. Mostly that Popee had some serious issues to work out, and needed to work them out soon.

Then, Kedamono stood up, an angry expression on his mask.

"That psychopath needs an intervention."


Popee was sharpening his knives. Couldn't kill Kedamono with a dull one, after all. Suddenly, he felt himself being grabbed by his bunny ears. 

He screamed, and writhed around, trying to stab whoever was trying to grab him.

The stranger snatched his knife, stabbing him in the arm.

Popee was shoved into a bag as he groaned in pain, fighting to stay awake.

That was one fight he lost.


Popee woke up, completely surrounded by family. He'd rather be surrounded by poisonous vipers.

He gasped, then quickly sat up with an angry expression.


Papi clapped his hands together with a gleeful grin. "Your intervention, my boy~! Your violence is getting out of hand~!"

"He's right, Popee," Kedamono replied, looking slightly angry. "Just this morning, you threatened to make the frog into risotto if he didn't jump through the hoop."

"HE WAS BEING DISOBEDIENT!!" Popee insisted angrily.

Then, he slouched down with a glare, crossing his arms. "What could you do to 'help' me anyways?"

"Popee, you need to calm down. Stop being so violent. And so mean." Kedamono said.

"He's right, my boy. You throw hands at the littlest inconvenience~!" Papi chuckled, not seeming as serious about this as Kedamono was.

Popee knew he was, though.

Then, Popee got up.

"Where are you GOING?!" Kedamono cried.

Popee Has Issues-Again!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora