Chapter Three

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Gracie and Teddy <3

Gracie plunked herself down on the bench beside Cayley with a sigh. She had been having a pretty awful day, and was looking forwards to lunch all day.

"Kiiiiiiiit? There's someone looooking for yoooouuuu!" Cayley sang in a stage whisper, a grin spreading from ear to ear.

"Oh really, who?" Gracie said sarcastically, throwing Cayley a bone.

"Only Teddy Lupin, the man himself!" Cayley said conspiratorially. "Oops, speak of the devil!" She giggled. "See you in band!" Cayley flounced off, leaving a confused Gracie and eager Teddy alone to talk and eat lunch.

They say there in awkward silence, Gracie popping grapes into her mouth every so often. Teddy couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. Noticing Gracie shivering, he finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey, are you cold?" He asked, looking at her, wishing he could help her. Gracie nodded, gesturing to the rapidly falling snow outside.

"Here, I hope this helps," Teddy said, placing his hoodie around her shoulders. She sank into it, wrapping it around herself.

"Thanks," Gracie said gratefully. "Cayley said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Yeah, actually, I did. This is something really important to me, and I don't really know how to say it, but would you like to be my girlfriend?" Teddy asked Gracie, stumbling over the last part and looking at his shoes.

"Thank god, I thought you were in trouble or something. Of course I will, but is your vision okay?" Gracie checked. "I always thought your taste was more the blonde, pretty type of girls, not, y'know..." She trailed off.

"Incredibly smart girls who know how to stand up for their rights? You were mistaken," Teddy grinned. "See you later."

Gracie tried to stifle a laugh as Teddy strutted off, grinning like an idiot, but she failed. She had no idea he was so goofy, but she hoped to find out all about him, from the inspiration of his blue hair right down to his favourite chocolate. She was happy her dreams finally came true.

Gracie was lost in thought, and didn't even notice Teddy sneaking up behind her. She jumped as he wrapped his arms around her, and he grinned like a madman realizing that he was finally hugging the girl he had been thinking about since he first saw her.

"WHAT- oh, hey, Teddy! I thought you went to class already," Gracie yelped. Teddy grinned down at her.

"Well, I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't know that I'd hugged you today," Teddy explained sheepishly.

"It's okay, but maybe next time don't sneak up behind me!" Gracie chastised.

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