Chapter 1 : paris girl

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Bernadette is a little French girl who is the prettiest and nicest girl in all of Paris. She has so many friends in Paris but there were four girls who hated her. One day when Bernadette was walking around the Eiffel Tower and she ran into Alexandrine and her friends. Alexandrine and her friends started calling Bernadette names and Bernadette said "you guys are only bullying me because your jealous I have so many friends" and alexandrine and her friends said " no we're not " and walked off. Bernadette couldn't believe what she had just said to alexandrine and her friends and she walked home. The next day when Bernadette went to school she was having a perfect day until she ran into alexandrine and her friends they said they were going to spread rumors about her if she didn't take back what she said. Bernadette told them "I am not taking back what I said you guys were bullying me and that is not fair" and as Alexandrine and her friends walked off Alexandrine told Bernadette " get ready for the rumors" and Alexandrine left with her friends.

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