Chapter 13

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"You have to leave! Now!"

Yeonbal was staring into Gilseon's agitated face when he opened the door.

In an instant, he was wide awake. "What's happened?"

The other rolled his eyes. "We don't have time for that!", but explained hastily anyway.
The Momo had attacked the Arth shoreline settlements without announcement and left no survivors.
"Right now, soldiers are gearing up and Sanung Niruha has plans to take your girlfriend hostage. They can be here at any moment."

"What happened?" Erika's voice startled them.
When Yeonbal told her, what Gilseon knew, she was shocked. "I can't believe, my grandfather did this without notice." She clasped her hand over her mouth.
Yeonbal already was halfway up the stairs.
"Maybe he did, we both suspected, messages don't come through." He put his palm over her cheek. "Get the kids, I'll pack", he added softly.

"If you would please hurry up", Gilseons agitated voice interrupted them from behind.

It took them nearly half an hour, to get ready, however.
Yeonbal threw a duffel bag, containing the most necessary things, at Gilseon and took over to carry Karika, who was still too sleepy to walk.
Erika carried Yangsom. He had woken up but kept silent as if he knew he had to.

Together they hurried down the narrow alleys of Arthdal. They reached a small side gate of the City wall, unseen in the dark.
The door was open and a young City guard, Sodang, if Yeonbal remembered his name correctly, was waiting for them.

"Good, you made it. Pyeonmi just left and told, some guards were on their way to get the ambassador arrested." He looked at Erika. Then he turned to Gilseon: "I got three horses saddled up with provisions down at the Daekan camp, like you wanted."

"Then don't waste time", Gilseon said to Yeonbal. "Go!"
He took the duffel and ushered Erika through the door.
When he followed, Yeonbal once more turned around.
"Thank you! I'll owe you."
Gilseon rolled his eyes. "Just stay alive. Now leave!"


They reached the Daekan camp in no time and got on the road before dawn.

The next three days they tried to stay away from the main roads on their way to the eastern coast.
Yeonbal had decided to go straight to the Momo people. Arthdal was enemy ground now and hiding in Agoha Forest was no option for him as an Arthdal citizen.

The small roads were difficult, though. He and Erika took turns in sleeping while riding and he had Karika on his lap while she did, so she wouldn't fall off.

They kept their breaks short and eventually, the horses got tired after three days.
Yeonbal finally suggested to change the animals and stick to the main road after they reached Jubinol, behind the border.
Their plan was to stay there for the night. "It should be safe", he added, "and we all need a warm meal and a bath."

Karika was sleeping safely in his arms. She had taken their hasty departure better than expected. She was tired ever since but had given no exclamation of protest or shown fear.
That worried him. If she kept her fears to herself, it wouldn't be healthy.

And he thanked the gods, Yongsam was such a calm baby. He hadn't cried in all three days, only whimpered softly when feeling uncomfortable.


Jubinol was a small hicksville on a pass at Hasi mountain.
Though it was a travel route, wayfarers only seldomly traversed the pass that near to Agoha Forest.

They reached the only inn on late afternoon. Yeonbal was glad, he found them to be the only guests and was even more relieved, the owner obviously didn't know of some refugees that might pass this place.

[ENG] Like a Fish on the Dry // Arthdal ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now