Next morning
I awoke and headed downstairs. I sat down at the table as I scarfed down my breakfast. I noticed Cason running downstairs and hurrying. After getting in the car we headed to school "dont be shocked if tonight father and I are talking to a wolf within our pack ." I looked at him. He seemed like he was in a rush or nervous "what happened?" he sighed "a wolf from our pack attacked my mate yesterday." I looked at him. We pulled up to school "is she okay?" he nodded. He parked the truck before getting his stuff and heading inside. Throught the day I counted down the hours and minutes until I could see her next. When I got home I heard yelling and I headed upstairs. I figured out that it was coming from my father's office so I decided it would be best to ignore it. I headed to my room and texted Heyuna as I did my homework. I just got done with my homework as I heard a car or truck door shut. I headed downstairs and peered outside. It was Melony and Cason she looked dressed up. I went back upstairs and our father stopped me. He looked at me "you are staying inside tonight to midnight runs. Melony is coming over for dinner and she will be meeting with the pack. " I nodded "okay. If you need me I will be in my room." I headed to my room and closed the door. I texted Heyuna and told her I would not be able to meet tonight. She said it was fine and that she would see me tomorrow. I texted her as I hung out on my bed. I heard them come up the stairs and I contemplated making a joke to her about going into his room. I continued to text Heyuna until I heard the dinner howl and I waited a few minutes before heading down. I headed downstairs and entered the dinning room as usual it was chaotic. I sat down across from Melony and Cason. Our father entered the room as usual the room went dead silent in respect for the Alfa/Chief. I got my food as the trays passed me and I saw Cason talking to Melony. I looked at Melony "So what do you think of the house? Hopefully he hasn't showed you his room before dinner." Cason coughed on his food as Melony blushed. Cason took a drink of water "That is none of your business, brother". She remained silent throughout dinner and I was trying to check if he actually marked her or if he just claimed her.
-------------Twenty Minuets Later-------------
As usual our father left then everyone was excused to leave "Should we help take care of our dishes? What should I do?" Melony asked Cason as I tried not to laugh but couldn't help it " I take it you haven't told her really anything about the rules." Cason growled lowly at me. "No we don't certain wolves take care of that." she looked up at him confused "Jason keep your trap shut before I shut for you." I looked at Cason almost laughing the fact that he really thinks he can take me is laughable. She Cason's hand "Why don't we walk and talk about the rules that your brother mentioned?" they stood up and left as I got up. I went to the entertainment room and hung out for a little bit. I decided to go up to my room after seeing that they turned on a stupid show. I laid on my bed as I texted Heyun and hung out. I heard Cason and Melony talking as they passed my room. I heard them talking and giggling . I wish Heyuna was here as I texted her. I was texting Heyuna when I heard Melony yell, hopefully they wont start doing it. I laid on my bed and told Heyuna. She told me that if she was there she would have me claim her as mine. We talked for a little bit before I heard something. I heard a moan coming from my brother's room. groaned and I put my pillow over my ears as I heard Melony and my brother doing it. Why of all the rooms did I get the one right next to my brother? I hate this I am trying to text my mate while trying to plug my ears. It seems like no matter what I do to keep my ears closed I can still hear my brother's mate screaming his name and moaning loudly. I went out of my room and headed back to the entertainment room. I would rather have to endure watching fucking "Say yes to the dress" then hear them. I heard them leave the house after the second episode started. I thought to myself "FINNALLLY ! I can go back to the comfort of my own room." I got off the couch and went back to my room. I texted Hayuna as I told her about my frustrations. She told me that they will feel my pain soon, jokingly. I texted her and sketched for a little bit. I enjoyed texting her even tho I would rather have her beside me. I guess I lost track of time becouse I noticed the moon was almost up. I continued to sketch and text her. I heard a thump coming from down the hall then our father and my brother running down the hall while talking. When I went downstairs I saw them taking about Melony's first shift and I know it is an important moment but I chose to give them some privacy. I went to my room as I texted Heyuna for a little bit.

Next morning
I guess I fell asleep becouse I awoke the next morning to my alarm, it is late start but I told her I would meet with her before school so I set it for '5:20 AM' instead of '6:20 AM' . I got out of bed as I checked my phone and got dressed. I noticed I accidentally left her on read as I texted her good morning and an apology for leaving her on read. She responded a few minuets later saying good morning and that she will see me soon. I grabbed my bag as I went downstairs as quietly as I could. I scarfed down my food before exiting the house and as soon as I was outside I put on my shoes. I ran to the woods and undressed as the cold nipped at my body. I stuffed my clothes into the tree before shifting. I ran to the place where we agreed on meeting and I saw her a moment later. She jumped over a log as she ran to me and I was completely entranced by her when she pounced on me. She licked me before nuzzling me and I nibbled her ear. She got up and we started to play. We chased eachother through the woods and wrestled for a little bit. She nuzzled me and walked over to a bush before shifting back. She looked at me shivering "L-lets head over to my pack area no one is is up this early and you haven't been over there." I trotted over to her before shifting back. She stared at me and I hugged her "we are mates. You can shift in front of me I have already seen you naked before. Expessially when it is cold outside, I will keep you warm." she hugged me back before shifting into a wolf. I shifted back before we took off running, we were headed straight for her pack's land. I stopped at the border as she went over the border and she nuzzled me urging me to cross the border. I stepped over the border as we started to run. We ran through the woods and jumped over logs as she guided me. We ran through the woods and raced. I enjoyed moments as we raced she nudged me as she nibbled my ear. I paused before continuing to run and I pounced on her. I shifted back and I laughed as I said "you can't cheat when racing, it's not fair." she tilted her head to the side. She looked like a beam of light in the moonlight as I laid on her and she shifted back. She smirked at me "I didn't cheat. I simply nibbled your ead." as we recognized that I was laying on her while naked and she was the same way we both blushed. I felt my cheeks heat up we stared into each other's eyes. She kissed me and I felt myself start to loose control of my actions as I started to kiss her mouth then her neck. She gently pushed my head up "as much as I would enjoy this right now. Let's wait until we can do this in my room or yours." she held my head in her hands. I got off of her and shifted back. She shifted back and we wrestled. I nipped at her tail playfully and she pawed me before we both paused. I looked at her as we heard a howl coming from up ahead and we stood up. She looked at me it did not sound like the howl either of us hear when someone is in danger or when we need to rush home so we ignored it. She chased me through the woods and I stopped as she ran into me. We started to wrestle and play again enjoying every second together. We paused as we heard someone running over to where we were. I nuzzled her as I ran behind a bush and hid. A wolf ran up to her and pawed the ground before snarling. The wolf left and she looked at me sorrowfully before taking off running. I assumed that the wolf gave her a signal to follow him/her. I ran back to my back and shifted back before getting dressed. I snuck back in and laid under the covers after setting my alarm for '6:20' AM I still have about 20 minuets left. I laid there concerned about her, wondering if she is okay. I heard footsteps running up the stairs and headed to my brothers room. I laid there pretending to be asleep when I heard our father howl. I jumped out of bed and undressed as I started to shift. I ran out of my room and booked it downstairs. When I got outside I saw a new wolf standing there next to our father and they ran into the woods as we followed them. When we got to where they were leading us to I saw Cason laying on the ground hurt. I growled as we fought the other pack's security team/warriors. We fought them off as our father and the other wolf took Cason back to the pack. The other wolves surrendered and ran back home as we chased them back to their back while snarling. As soon as they were gone I signaled two wolves to stay as the rest of us ran back. I headed back to the house and ran up to my room. I shifted back and closed the door. I got dressed before grabbing my backpack and running downstairs. I went to our father "is Cason okay?" he nodded "he will be fine. He just needs to take a break for a few, he can go to school. His injuries are just as bad as a human who has sprained their ankle." I looked at him. Looks like I will be running to school "I am going to pack my bag for school and put it on so I can run to school. He nodded "okay. Cason will be at school in a little bit." I turned around and went upstairs. I packed my bag for school and I stuffed my clothes into it. I took off the clothes I was wearing and shifted. I put my backpac on my back and ran out the door. As I ran to school I pondered what I should do about her pack attacking mine. When I got close to school grounds I dtopped my backpac and shifted back. I got dressed and headed to school. After school I met with Heyuna as we ran and played without shifting. I recieved a text telling me to come home. When I got home I heard the dinner howl and went inside. I sat down just before our father walked in and we discussed what might happen. After dinner I went straight to bed and fell asleep thinking about the possibility of a war between two tribes.

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