
Other side of the room.

Xander: Is he really going to tell that story for $100 and a controller?

Finn: Did he take my offer?

Xander: He didn't say no...

Shelley: That's a low ball for something so...

Xander: Horrifying?

Finn: Disgusting?

Shelley: Embarrassing...

Xander/Finn: True.

Sabin: You got a deal!

Xander: Huh, he took it...

Shelley: Dumbass.

Finn: Thank God he's not my manager!

Sabin: You know I can hear y'all right?

Finn: So?

Xander: Oh we know.

Sabin: Then why?

Shelley: We wanted to see if you're that big of an idiot to take the deal.

Woods: Was the story that bad?

Xander: Ohhhhh you'll see and you'll enjoy it, trust me buddy.

An hour later...

All the attendees were seated and conversing with one another until the ceremony starts.  5 minutes later the Ordain minister tells everyone to remain quiet as the wedding is set to commence.

*Typical wedding song starts*

Lexi's mom came out first, followed by Xander, Shelley, The Groomsmen, the Bridesmaids, and the Maid of Honor come out. As they all lined up Xander was feeling a bit nervous and Shelley took notice.

Shelley: Hey man you'll be fine. Enjoy the moment and if all fails remember that Sabin's gotta tell Woods that drunk story.

Xander: Hopefully he doesn't do it over the mic.

Woods was busting out laughing because Sabin was giving them the look during the conversation. Before both men could carry their conversation the flower girl comes out.
Big E who somehow ended up as the ring bearer was walking down the aisle doing his best Gangrel impression helped ease Xander's nervousness.

Xander: Gotta remind myself to buy E a new PC for this.

His thoughts were interrupted when he caught sight of Bob and Lexi walking down...well mostly Lexi.

Xander: Oh my...

Shelley: Hey snap out of it. We don't want the bride to see the groom with drool all over him.

Xander quickly composed himself as Bob and Lecxi got closer to the alter.

Once they reached the alter, Xander setup up and took Lexi's hand from her dad.

Bob: Here you go young man. 

Xander: Thank you.

The two stepped into position at the altar and the ordain minister commenced the ceremony.

Minister: Dearly beloved we are gathered here today...

After the minister did the opening statement and explain the significance of the ceremony and the two people at the altar.

Minister: Now for the exchange of vows...

Lexi: I'll go first

Minister: Yes ma'am.

Blissed Reunion [Alexa Bliss X OC] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now