Eloise doesn't really know what she's really doing—hell, she's never even hung out with a boy before, and everything happened so fast that she hasn't had any time to reflect on it.

She shoots a quick text to Parker.

What do you know about Jonah Kim?

The reply is nearly immediate. Parker must be at home rather than the party, probably curled up in her bed with a tub of ice cream.

If I had to rate the top five most beautiful people I've ever seen in my life, he'd be there.

Eloise rolls her eyes and checks to see if her boss is watching.

Yeah, but what do you think about him?

Three dots appear, then go away, and then pop back up again.

I've never really heard anything bad about him, despite the fact that he flirts a lot. He's a good student and ridiculously friendly. I'm pretty sure he volunteers at the animal shelter, too. I don't know him that well, but he seems like a good person.

A silent sigh of relief escapes her, and she sneaks a glance back at him. His eyes are closed now, head tipped back to rest against the back of the chair. The strong lines of his jaw are pronounced now, Adam's apple prominent.

Parker sends another text. Why? What's up?

I'll talk when I get back home, Eloise types. Some things are better said in person. And plus, she's not even sure what to make of the rest of this evening. It feels as if time is passing by in slow motion and she's in the center of it, quietly observing from her secluded spot. She's not too sure why a boy like him is in any way interested in her. Eloise is quiet, apart from the group, and damaged.

Damaged goods, her father had snarled. Just like your mother.

But the dark thoughts disappear when she sneaks another glance at Jonah, and he blushes a little, smiling and glancing away at his tennis shoes.

And although she's still dressed in a terribly unflattering light-brown apron, Eloise wishes time would fly just a little faster.


Her shift is finally over. The sky is dyed a subtle violet, stars out and shining in earnest now. Even at nine o'clock in California, a warm summer breeze still lingers against pedestrians in the streets, rustling clothing and blowing back hair. Eloise feels lighter today, somehow.

Jonah is standing by the door, a chapter book held in one hand and an empty coffee cup in the other. While he waited, the boy drank five cups of coffee.

No wonder he's a fast runner.

Throughout a lifetime, there are four types of hearts that people meet: the heart that shouldn't be loved but is loved anyway, the one that should be loved but isn't, the one that is loved in bad timing, and the fourth... the fourth is everything in between.

Eloise can't help wonder if Jonah is the latter.

He holds a hand out, and then draws it back quickly, remembering that she prefers not to be touched. "Hey, Park," Jonah says. "Ready to go?"

During the two hour period, his hair dried and turned even messier than when he first walked through the doors. Even still, it's odd that he doesn't smell completely horrible, like he's just come out of the shower instead of a soccer game.

Eloise folds her apron on the counter and slips it into her backpack, slinging it on her shoulders before heading for the exit. "Yeah," she agrees. They walk out together, and she thinks he's slowing his steps for her, but can't be too sure. His legs are so long and he's shockingly tall that their height difference is almost comical. Something resembling the movies.

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