Christmas Night Sleepover

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You called it a night around 11 PM and assumed he just wasn't coming, so you climbed into your bed and curled up sad and alone. You struggled to sleep all night and kept hearing creaks and groans in the old house, scaring you. You wish Bo were here to tell you everything is fine and nobody is here.

But someone is here, you know it. You sit up straight in your bed with a jolt when you heard another creak on the floorboard and you reach frantically for your lamp, yanking on the cord to turn it on. The man who you knew was there flinched and widened his eyes and you widened yours- it was Bo.

You glared at him angrily as he settled down. "What are you doing here?" He took his hat off and set it on your night stand and started kicking off his boots while unbuttoning his shirt.

"I told you I'd come over hun, sorry I'm late." He started pulling his shirt off and unbuckled his belt as he talked.

"Late? It's 2 in the morning!" You huffed and tried desperately not to tear up, hurt that you couldn't spend time with him. He noticed you were on the edge of tears and he quickly finished undressing and climbed into your bed. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close so you could lay your head on his chest.

"I'm sorry baby... It was a busy day, but I didn't want you spendin the night alone." He kissed the top of your head and rubbed your arm as he held you. He wiped away a stray tear from your cheek and tried to get you to smile. "Listen I got a bunch of presents for you in my truck and Vincent agreed we could do Christmas dinner tomorrow so you can be there... I'm sorry baby I really am," he said softly.

You sniffled but nodded your head, he reached over and turned the lamp off and laid back. You curled up on his chest and he kept an arm around you as you snuggled in to stay warm. You wish you could have spent today with him but the fact he still made an effort to come spend the night with you really made you feel better.

Thomas Hewitt:
As it turns out, there are people who come visit Thomas's family on the holidays sometimes who don't know about the whole murder cannibalism thing going on. That being said, you weren't allowed to come upstairs this Christmas in case someone recognized you from missing posters or something. You can't imagine anybody in the area would EVER recognize you but they're insane criminals so you don't question why they're so paranoid. Besides, you'd never willingly leave without Thomas.

The day didn't COMPLETELY suck though, whenever they ate Thomas would come sneak you a plate of food at the basement door, alerting you with a little subtle tap on the door. The food was pretty good and you were even given dessert. For dessert they gave you a piece of homemade blueberry pie.

You were never too bored either, you had plenty to do in your room in the basement like drawing, reading, writing, etc. And whenever you DID get bored you'd resort to just cleaning or organizing around the basement carefully. You were permitted in the rest of basement more frequently now so maybe they wouldn't mind...

You were feeling tired and it was pretty late now so you got ready to curl up in bed and go to sleep. You wrapped up in your blanket and turned your lamp off and fell asleep peacefully. You woke up at some point in the night to something rustling your bed and you tried to open your tired eyes.

Before you could fully wake up, you felt big hairy arms snaking around your body and heard a familiar low grumble by your head. You smiled as Thomas pulled you into him, spooning you in your small bed that barely had room for him. It wasn't often he slept in your bed with you, if you wanted to sleep together (which you didn't feel the incessant need to ALWAYS do), you usually slept in his bed. It was nice, it made up instantly for the entire day.

Lester Sinclair:
Lester is really bad at communicating plans, he often shows up unannounced (which you don't mind at all) and often forgets plans you made together (which you do mind). Even important days like anniversaries and your birthday (and his own fucking birthday) fly over his head.

It's pretty hard to get into contact with him too, you usually have to go to Bo (the dirty creep) to get answers. You were hoping to spend time with him on Christmas but you hadn't heard from him at all on Christmas eve. You even tried to call Bo on the phone but he didn't answer. He was probably busy preparing for Christmas so you decided you'd just wait until morning.

However when you woke up and tried to call again, there was still no answer. The only other way was to go over to Ambrose yourself... You threw on a sweater and started heading to Bo's house, worried about where Lester could be. When you got there, Bo opened the door and smirked. He didn't know where Lester was and usually didn't celebrate as an actual family. You were invited inside to wait and you accepted, sitting on the couch and waiting as Vincent and Bo went about their usual Christmas activities.

You wanted to celebrate with Lester, you really only wanted to be with him alone... You waited all day and finally accepted around 6 PM he wasn't celebrating with you. Sad and grasping at straws, you lay down on the couch and eventually fall asleep.

You wake up some time later to something heavy on you and you open your eyes to see Lester. He was draped over you like a blanket and nestled into your warmth. Still upset, you huffed and sat up a little trying to prevent him from falling asleep on you. "Where were you today? I wanted to spend Christmas with you..."

He popped his head up with a tired confused look on his stupid face. "It's Christmas?" You've got to be fucking kidding me. You sighed and laid back down, letting him relax and almost instantly pass out on your chest. He snored loudly as he snuggled you lovingly. You're pissed he didn't even know it was Christmas but you couldn't stay mad at such a cutie...

Vincent Sinclair:
For the first time in FOREVER, your family decided to spend Christmas with you. It was a sweet gesture but you were really more interested in spending it with Vincent since you figured the time with him would be more relaxing and laid back. By the time the day ended, you were exhausted and just wanted everyone to fucking go home but they all INSISTED on staying the night.

You sighed and went to bed, angry and frustrated that you couldn't have some peace and quiet with Vincent. You fell asleep grumbling angrily to yourself only to be woken merely an hour later by tapping at your window. You opened up your eyes and climbed out of bed tiredly to see what it was, and you're glad you did.

You were pleased to find it was Vincent sitting at your window with his head tilted and his eyes concerned. You opened the window and helped him inside quietly. "I'm sorry I didn't come today... my family showed up without telling me and demanded I spend today with THEM instead..."

He nodded his head gently and pressed the cold wax lips of his mask against your forehead gently. You knew he'd understand. You yawned and he gently took your hand and lead you back to your bed. You sat down and watched tiredly as he took off his boots and apron and pants then climb elegantly into your bed.

You laid with him silently and he gently stroked your hair and watched you as you waned in and out of sleep. It was peaceful and calming and your frustrations subsided. You're glad he understood and wasn't upset you couldn't come and also glad that he is so efficient at making you feel better. You fell asleep and woke up the next morning alone but soothed. You looked around and didn't see him but found only a rose on your nightstand... Classic romantic Vincent.

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