I Just Cannot Have You Yet (AU)

Start from the beginning


"Some party, huh sir?" Niall asked, sneaking up behind Louis. Louis was in the corner of the ball, at the top of the staircase, waiting to make his grand entrance with Eleanor. She was currently fixing her hair for the hundredth time in the bathroom. Niall was wearing the butlers uniform his mother had picked out for the evening, but he was easy to distinguish with his hair not anywhere near being slicked back.

"I thought my mother told you to slick your hair?" Louis whispered. He couldn't let anyone see him talking to Niall, since he was a butler after all. "And where's your mask?"

"Should be asking you the same thing, Louis." Niall cackled. Louis' eyes widened as he realized that his mask was INDEED missing!

"Shit. Do you think El has it?" Louis questioned. But Niall was already heading towards the crowd, eager to help the arriving guests.
Louis started to pace the long hallway, careful to not get too close to the top to the grand staircase. His mother would absolutely die if her bachelor son was spotted before his grand entrance! He couldn't think of anywhere else to look. Sighing, Louis decided on braving the woman's powder room, and seeing if Eleanor had his red mask. He moved quickly and quietly down the hallway, finally approaching the white doorway leading to the room. Before he could enter, however, there was a tingling sensation behind him, almost as if a cold breeze had hit him. Louis turned around, but there was nothing there. He glanced towards the window, but they were locked tight.

"Hello?" Louis called out, careful not to be too loud, "Is there anyone there?" Not hearing a response, Louis inched back towards the door to the bathroom, hoping he was just imagining things, and he and Eleanor could just go downstairs. He could get the mask from Eleanor, the pair could make it downstairs, and Louis would be one step closer to having this dreadful night over with. The only thing he looked forward to, was the arrival of his two closest friends.

They were Zayn and Liam, from the Malik Family and Payne Family, respectively. Zayn was popular with the women as well, with his exotic look, strong angular face, and dark hair. But, he had been courting Miss Perrie Edwards, of the Edwards house, since anyone could remember. Hence, the girls were not as particularly interested in Zayn as they were in Louis. Liam, on the other hand, was a very popular bachelor. He had kind brown eyes, a muscular body, and a heart of gold. He was currently searching for a lady, but was having difficulty, just from the large amount of girls he had always around him.

"Am I losing my mind?" He asked himself, before laughing a little. A tingling on his back? Absurd. He was just a little nervous for tonight.

"Oh no. You are not losing your mind, darling." Louis almost jumped into the air, the fear striking him as there WAS a voice behind him. But he couldn't move, and two large hands wound their way around his waist. Louis wanted to scream, get anyone to come and help him away from this stranger, but there was something comforting about the hold the hands had on him, and it was utterly terrifying.

"But I am, seeing how pretty you are, and knowing I just cannot have you. Not yet." The voice continued, a steady, low murmur, making its way closer to Louis' ear. He wanted to turn around and see this mystery person, to tell them to move their hands away from his waist! But Louis was frozen there, only feeling himself settle in more comfortably against this person. No words seemed to leave Louis' mouth, as if they had been taken right from his lungs.

"Look at you, all pretty in your red vest, and your ruffled shirt. I would say you look better with it off, but it is simply not the time, nor place. Your hair is soft tonight. Did you have Eleanor style it all nice for you? What a shame it would be to ruin it. I guess we will see, correct, Louis?" Louis could not even fathom the situation now, every word the man saying entrancing Louis more and more. This man knew so much about Louis! His deep, seductive voice kept Louis quiet. His large, wandering hands kept Louis still.
"Who are you?" Louis finally managed, the hands sliding up and down his sides. Louis could barely concentrate on forming a sentence. "How... how do you know so much about, me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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