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You woke up from your alarm clock. You hit snooze and see what time it is (it reads 5:35 am). You got up and put on your regular clothes for college. You went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. You get some cereal and coffee and sat down to watch the news for like 2 minutes until you are bored then watch some YouTube videos. After you done eating and watching the YouTube you check the time (6:20 am). You go get your backpack from your bed room and left the house.

You walk on the sidewalk to get to college until you saw something weird. You saw a man with glasses and looked like he had a America flag on his face. You was stunned about what you saw and decided that it was not important and went back walking on the sidewalk.

You arrive in the college and saw that some of your classmates had flags on their face too. Then you ask a lady ,"why do they have flags on their face".She smiled and respond by saying "do you not watch the news. It said that there are now new people here and it said there were countryhumans." You thought about it (I didn't get to part about that) and say "thank you". She then smiled again and walk away to home. You are so confused why are they here and where did they came from, but you decided that you go to class.

Hope guys like that :D

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