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Y/N: your name
L/N: last name
E/C: eye color
H/C: hair color
F/F: favriote food
F/D: favriote drink

Y/N's quirk is 'steal' if she touches someone she gains their quirk of course she gets the same drawbacks that quirk came with the person still has there quirk of course he just got a copy of the uses thing too much she gets pain in her fingers..

Its not much but don't worry the chapters i'll try to make longer also special thanks to Tordoholic who made the book cover im so happy i've been a fan of her writing and it took me a whole 10 mimutes just to sumbit the word 'hi' to her please follow her and her second profile owohaul

°•broken hearts, fixed parts•°Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum