Lila stricking again

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*Marinette woke up late, as usual, and ran to school...but something wasnt right when she entered the classroom. Lila was sitting next to Alya! At this point, Marinette knew that Lila was taking her friends away from to make sure she didnt cause any problems, she just did the right thing

Marinette: Hey Lila, is it okay if I can have my seat back

Lila: Oh sorry Marinette, I just needed Alya's help with this homework I wasnt here can go sit at my seat

Marinette: But-

Alya: Marinette please! At least do this for her!

*Marinette glared at Lila and went to go sit down at Lila's seat, unluckly for her Nathaniel wasnt there that day...he had a family thing to attend so Marinette was by herself. Now its after class and everyone leaves, this is where the events of the epsiode "Ladybug" happens. Lila steals Ms. Bustiers test answers for the test they just did and put them in Marinettes bag, when everyone returns to class...things get a little ugly

Ms. Bustier: Today an anonymous informer planted a note in my mailbox saying a someone had stolen the test answer *pulls out papers from Marinettes bag* and it looks like the anonymous informer was right

*Everyone was shocked and very confused...Marinette would never cheat on a major test

Marinette: But it's not true, someone must've planted that peice of paper in my bag

Ms. Bustier: But you answered all of the answers correctly

Marinette: I did?? But that's because I studied!

*Marinette knew something wasnt right, and after the incident happening the day before, she couldnt believe how much of her life has fallen apart! Now her and Lila are being sent to the principal's office

Marinette: I'm not falling for your tap Lila

Lila: Too late you already have

*Lila pretends to fall down the stairs and claimed that Marinette pushed her, but no one witnessed the incident and still believed Lila over Marinette...then it was time for the principal's office

Marinette: But sir it wasnt me...I didnt do anything

Lila: I don't know why Marinette doesn't like me Ive really tried to be her friend, but she keeps calling me a liar, turning everyone against me and now shes pushing me down the stairs!

*Time skip to during the amuk battle, this was after Cat Noir and Bugette already kissed and Ladybug came in and saved the day

Ladybug: Sorry Cat Noir, you should've known I'm no where near as perfect as her! *thinking* and I really mean that

Cat Noir: I love you just the way you are Bugaboo

Ladybug: *thinking* Do you really??

*After the battle with Mayura and Hawkmoth, Marinette finally came back to school and is watching the news

Sabine: Arent those your classmates dear


Sabine: I'm so glad that Lila was able to follow her dreams

*Marinette went upstairs and looking at Adrien pictures

Tikki: Marinette, are you okay?

Marinette: Yeah, I'm fine Tikki, I just cant see why Adrien still trusts her

Tikki: You know how Adrien is Marinette, he is always so trusting even when someone has lied to his face, isnt that why you fell in love with him??

Marinette: Yeah...I guess you're right Tikki

Tikki: Why dont you just tell Adrien what Lila's been doing to you?

Marinette: Tikki, you know I cant do that...besides, he said as long as we know she's lying, it wont bring much harm

Tikki: She almost got you expelled today!

Marinette: Correction...she did...then for some reason, she got me back in

Tikki: I did find that odd...but let's not focus on that right now okay

Marinette: We can figure it out later...I need to finish up my homework

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