The "Roomy Twin" (Part I)

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This day already started in total mayhem at the Stamford branch, where Jim and I got transferred to for a while, in order to better the sales for Dunder Mifflin. Once a quarter the sales staff has to stay late to do order form consolidation, and that's what Karen, Jim, Andy and I are up to today... Actually pretty boring, but what can you do, it has to be done, I guess.

At least Jim and I are really good friends and talk a lot, making this day waaay more enjoyable altogether. Also, Jim and Karen lately mentioned, that Andy has a real crush on me. No day goes by, without him trying to impress me in some way... I still doubt that he has a thing for me, but who knows at this point.

Besides, even though most people find him annoying and "a bit much", I actually might have a little thing for him, too... I don't know, he's my type on paper, well obviously he has some flaws, but nothing that is not fixable. His voice is amazing, every time he sings, I'm kinda melting away... He also mentioned that he can play the Banjo, and this is literally my favourite instrument since I was very young. He never played for me though...
Maybe I can change that.

I also really enjoy singing, and recorded some songs before my days at Dunder Mifflin in a studio, but nobody knows about that. I find it kind of embarrassing to talk about...

Anyways, Jim and I went there by bike together, because he literally lives across the street and we figured to do some morning sports. Andy and Karen were already seated at their desks, as we arrived.

To be totally honest, I missed Scranton. It's more modern here and I have better customers on the phone over all, but the charm and people of my coworkers at Dunder Mifflin are just kind of missing here.

Sure, Andy and Karen are nice to work with, but I do miss my old pals over at Scranton, and Jim does too, actually.

As we arrived at the office, Andy greeted us, immediately joking about Jim looking completely dead, as he exhaustedly pushed his bike into a corner of the office. I just giggled along, making a smile appear on Andy's lips, his eyes following me until I sat down at the desk behind him.

After I was settled in, I started working right away, to get most of that crap done before lunch break. Occasionally Jim and I joked around, making Karen frown and giving us an annoyed look, before she concentrated on her work again. Andy gave up working after 2 hours, playing games on his PC for a while. I don't blame him.

Taking a short break, I watched him play and lose over and over again, to which he cursed under his breath. Me and Jim giggled in unison, making Andy abruptly turn around.

"Not funny, guys. I'm loosing here! I'm actually really good at this, See?" He then lost again right away. "God Damnit!" He hit the table with his fists, causing Jim and I to share a look. "I can't believe, you're not working, Andy!", shouted Karen from behind Jim's desk, which Andy intentionally ignored.

It was finally our lunch break and time for me to brew some tea. I made Jim one too, brought it to his desk and went back into our little break room to eat my salad.
Phew, I was already exhausted by our tasks, and the day wasn't even remotely over.

As soon as I sat down to enjoy my self-made salad, Andy entered the room, leaning against the doorframe, looking at me. "Bon Appetit, madame!"
I nodded, slightly confused why he was staring at me while I was eating.

"May I take a seat?" He asked, changing his voice into a british one. I smiled briefly, as he tried to mimic my accent. "Sure thing. Naaard Dawg." I answered, in a southern voice.

He sat down with his own tea, trying to think of something to talk about with me.
"I have big plans for tonight."
I looked at him, confusion written in my face. I decided not to answer just yet and hear him out.
"I brought some booze, and stuff. You know, to have some fun besides working on this damn consolidation crap...You in?" It was kind of cringe how he tried to sound cool but it was quite amusing.
I took a sip of my tea... "Okay, why not."
"Re de de de dooo! (Y/N) is in!" He shouted out, as if at a party. I chuckled.

Andy Bernard Imagines (The Office)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن