Todoroki x reader (lemon)

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(Finally time for the lemons ;) yeah i know i am a perv but idk)

~Y/n and shoto were still on their date but it was getting rainy and late so they went to a love hotel ♡~

Todoroki's pov:

It was getting late and rainy so i had the idea that we should go to a hotel since it was raining a lot and my home was far away

"Y/n are you okay if we went to a hotel for this night?"

She was blushing a bit when i said that and she said

"I am okay with that but how will we pay the room?"

She was worried about the money but i don't mind paying it with one of my dad's credit card y/n desserves the best so i didn't want to share money for the room

"Are you sure shoto? I don't mind i want to help too"

She was too cute saying this i kissed her lips and said to her softly whispering on her ear

"It's okay baby girl let daddy pay this for you"

She blushed and nooded with what i said and then we both went to a love hotel and i paid for the room

"What a lovely couple you are"

The reseptionist said before she gave me the keys

"Thank you"

I said to her politly and y/n was blushing a bit when the reseptionist said that then we went to our hotel room i unlocked the door and then i opened it y/n was happy about the room

"Look shoto this room is very big and beautifull"

Her eyes were sparkling of happiness i found it cute and kissed her cheek she blushed a bit but then she said with blush on her face

"Shoto can i take a bath first i am wet from the rain"

Y/n's pov:

When we went inside of the hotel room i was happy because i have never seen such a beautiful and big room and i said to my sweet boy

"Look shoto this room is very big and beautifull"

But then i remembered that i am wet from the rain and said to him with blush

"Shoto can i take a bath first i am wet from the rain"

He didn't said something so i went and stripped myself and then i went inside of the bathroom and i was taking a hot shower but then i felt some big hands around my waist and i was blushing a lot


I asked and he responded me with a bit of blush on his face

"Yeah baby girl?"

I was blushing more and more because we were both naked and touching eachothers body i said to him looking away

" on h..h..ot b..bath-"

I didnt finished all want i wanted to say because he kissed my lips softly and then when we kissed for a lot onlf moments i was melting a lot of those sexy kisses then we were both in the bathtub and the he putted me on his lap while i was felling his hard member on my butt cheeks and i blushed more


I said with blush and hiding my blush on his shoulder he answered

"Sorry baby girl but your sexiness made me hard"

I was blushing like always and then i said

"It's okay shoto i know it's a normal feeling cuz i am hard too you"

Am i that dump of course he knows he is a smart boy and then he said

"Yeah i know...may"

I nooded and then he goes and teases the one boob and then he suck the other boob i was doing my best not to moan but he said with a hot horny voice

"You can moan baby girl"

I was turned on when he said baby with such a voice and then i let myself moan and then he sucks my body leaving some purple hickeys and then he kissed my lips with a soft french kiss and i was trying not to cum with all of this

"Y/n may i put my dick inside you? I will be gentel and wear a condom"

He was blushing when he said that and i said smiling at him

"Yes you can shoto"

I hugged him and then i kissed his lips
He kissed me back and said

"Let me get the condom"

he then took the condom that it had on the bedroom and he said

"Y/n lets go and do it on the bed it will be more confortable for both of us"

I went out of the bathtub and i was walking for going to the bed i was trying not to stare at his beautiful naked body when we were on the same bed and then i came closer to him he putted the condom and we continue kissing and touching eachother the he asked

"Are you ready for this y/n?"

Todoroki's pov:

When i went to the bedroom to get the condom i was thinking that it will be more confortable for both of us so i said to her

"Y/n lets go and do it on the bed it will be more confortable for both of us"

Thirt pov:

they both went to bed and continued making out with lots of moanings and pleasure after that they both went to sleep.

(sorry i made a few changes :') i hope you like it ^w^)

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