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Dumbledore was working on something with Professor Slughorn. Something new and revolutionary and possibly even dangerous. But Dumbledore was willing to take the risks. After all, he was quite obsessed with being a master of death.

"Alright, Albus. Here it is, the de-aging potion. I changed up the ingredients a bit, and I think it might just be close. A few more trials and we might just have it!" Exclaimed Horace Slughorn.

Albus Dumbledore took it in his hand and held it up to the light, watching it filter through the mostly clear substance. Dumbledore grinned warmly.

"As always, thank you for your help, Horace, it is much appreciated."

Dumbledore left the Potions' Master's study and made his way up to the Great Hall where his students were just gathering for dinner. On his way to the staff table, he walked alongside the Gryffindor house table where the infamous pranksters, the 'Marauders' were sitting. Peter and James were facing him, while Sirius and Remus had their backs to. Dumbledore smiled. He'd miss the troublemakers when they graduate in the Spring.

He rested a warm hand on Remus, startling the seventeen-year-old.

"Oh! Hello, sir."

"And hello to you too, Mr. Lupin. Good day to the lot of you."

The four boys and Lily Evans smiled and nodded and he continued on his way to take his place at the staff table.

It wasn't until much later that he realized that he had misplaced the potion.


Once in the Seventh Year's dormitory after dinner, Remus pondered the vial of potion quietly. Dumbledore had given it to him, but what for? Remus trusted Dumbledore and knew that whatever it was would benefit him in someway. But wasn't it strange that he hadn't said anything about it?

"Hey, what's up?" Sirius asked, coming over to stand by Remus and interlacing their fingers between them.

Remus looked up, meeting Sirius's eyes. He shrugged, showing Sirius the vial.

"Dumbledore gave it to me," he explained. "What do you think it is?" He asked.

Sirius pondered it, taking it in his own hands and watching the way the light of the moon from the window danced in it.

"Perhaps it's something pertaining to your furry little problem?" Sirius suggested as James and Peter came over to join in their conversation. "Perhaps that's why Dumbledore didn't say anything?"

Remus thought about it, nodding. "Makes sense," he reasoned.

"Ooh, drink it! See what it does!" Peter suggested enthusiastically. Remus pushed off from where he was leaning on the bedpost of his bed and uncorked the vial sharing a shy grin with his best friends.

Remus drank the potion without further ado. It wasn't until after it was burning down his throat that the rational side of his brain reasoned that this was a terrible idea.

He gagged terribly at the taste, hand shooting out to grab ahold of the bedpost. Sirius's face paled in slight panic and he reached out to steady his boyfriend.

Remus felt weird. His body had gone numb and his head was spinning. His hand slipped from the bedpost and he tumbled to the ground, too fast for Sirius to catch him.

"Remus? Remus are you okay? What's happening?" James asked in a panic.

Remus didn't answer. "I dunno. I dunno what to do!" Sirius fretted going to the pile of clothes on the floor.

The pile of clothes on the floor. Sirius let out a terrified shriek and backed away quickly, tears already forming in his eyes before his brain caught up to the fact that his Moony should be in those clothes and he wasn't, he was gone, and he never should've taken that potion, and-

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