Do People Actually Read This?

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Saiki's POV

I fail to understand how stupid everyone is.

"I mean we're already best friends but I don't if she'd like to know what I've done...."

I'm just going to stay silent and eat my coffee jelly.

"I mean I guess I'm being a terrible friend by keeping it from her but..."

I just kept eating, but luckily our waiter came back in casual clothing  since his shift was over.

"Just tell her then. It's better than keeping a secret, y'know. Also if she's truly your friend then she'll accept you."

Then he left again as if he was never there. Leaving me alone to deal with all this. But he did give great advice.

"You know what he's right. I'll tell her when I get the chance to. Thanks for the help Saiki."

I literally did nothing, but eat and listened to half of his ramblings. Luckily he left and I got to go home alone in peace, which gave me some time to think.

(Okay so right now (Y/N)'s affections for Kuboyasu are at a 97, but his affections for her are at a 62 and that's just out of friendship.)

I sighed.

(And his affections for Teruhashi would be 93....)

I would need someone to date her to eliminate her from this equation....or I could just lower her image? No, I could just get her to admit that she not interested in him....but then that'll need to heartbreak and not wanting to date anyone at all....

Then it hit me.

(Kuboyasu's affections for (Y/N)'s alter self is at 72. It would be easier to work with that. But I would need to devise a plan to make them reveal who they truly are.)

Love is truly complicated.

Le Timeskip• (due to lazy author)

[still Saiki's POV]

It was already the next day and I got prepared for another day in school. But today we had Home Ec. so I was at least looking forward to that. After getting to school I noticed that (Y/N) and the other guy weren't there yet. Which was odd since (Y/N) is usually at school before me.

(Y/N)'s POV

Today Sebastian wasn't here to nag me. Instead he was watching over my "family's" mansion while they were away on vacation and junk. I also might've gotten into a little gang war. I examined the gang sign that was spray painted on the doors of our hide out. I didn't really pick a fight on anybody, but that one guy at the arcade...

(But how on earth would he know where to find me?)

"Eh. Whatever."

I decided to shrug it off and just go to school. I order Ryuu to paint over the graffiti while I was gone. Karma decided to pack up his things and go back home tomorrow. He was getting annoying anyway. Seeing as how I was almost late I decided to just take Ryuu's motorcycle to school, no one will recognize it right?

It took about took about 3 minutes since it wasn't dark and I actually knew where I was going. I still felt kinds sad I couldn't take my neko helmet though....

The bell rang and most of the students were already in the building so no one I knew would see me. Well at least that what I thought. Toritsuka saw me alright and the worst part was I didn't have my glasses or my hair up. An immense blush crept up on the pervert's face.

(Well crap...)

Toritsuka's POV

I was running a little late today since I woke up late, but boy was it worth it! There was a total hottie in front of me that I had never seen before.

(Is she new here?)

I decided to break out my charm.

"Well hello ther-"

Then her spirit guardian appeared.


She immediately launched at me and covered my mouth.

"How do you know?" She muttered in a low and threatening voice. It honestly made me shake in total fear, and I see ghosts for a living!

"Mmmm- phmm"

She let me go in order to repeat that once more.

"Your spirit guardian." I repeated.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Wait...seriously? I thought you were just making that up...."

I crossed my arms.

"No I wasn't! Of course it's a real thing! I told you I'm a medium!"

She placed a finger on her chin and began processing.


She suddenly got an "aha" moment.

"Then is Saiki-kun psychic?"

I was shocked. How did she even come up with that conclusion.

'yare, yare. This is bad....she's smarter than I thought'


'Oi, listen very carefully.  Ask her how she even came up with that conclusion and laugh it off like a joke.'


I started to laugh and she look at me like I was insane.

"How did you come up with that conclusion?"

She crossed her arms and explained it briefly.

"He never even moves his mouth when he talks, which is a bit odd. He also seems to expect the unexpected and he keeps looking at me weirdly whenever I wear these so called 'anti-psychic jewelry' so I assume he's been quite confused lately or he's checking me out, which is a definite nope."

She showed me her ring which she explained had tellurium and could apparently block out x-ray vision and then she showed me a germanium necklace she tucked away under her shirt.

"H-how do you know so much about psychics?" I asked.

"Well apparently my grandma was a psychic too? So after she died she left me with all these anti-psychic jewelry with detailed instructions on their uses."

"But I'm pretty sure I'm a normal human being last time I checked. Also my grandmother did have a mental illness so...."

'I still don't trust her.'

"Hey let's head to class!" I said changing the subject."

Not So Different |Aren Kuboyasu x Reader|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora