I Cant Belive You

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As soon as I ran into my house I called Elion, Before anything happend with me and Andrew I had to tell Elion how I felt

"Elion" I said

"What is it Eliza I thought I told you not to talk to me" He said

"You did but thats not the point ok, Im not lying Emily even told me she lied to you when I called her" I yelled

"OK i belive you were friends againg but I kniow you you called me for more than that" He said

"Well Um....." I stuttered, good thing I wrote down what I wanted to say

"Um ok Elion theres something I just want to tell you so dont talk just listen ok,  Ummm this is really hard for me to say but here goes nothing I have really Liked you for a looooonnnngggg time your sweet and funny and amazing and like the only person I ever want to be with, I just love how open I can be with you and that you were like the only one who ever sees me when Im invisable and theres no one I'd rather be with" I Said almost dying trying to get all the words out.

"Wait what Eliza you like me  like LIKE LIKE me" He Questioned

"Yes Elion I do" I said

"And this isnt a joke right" He asked

"Why would I joke about this Elion Im trying to be serious" I said almost crying   He hung up on me.  I spent the rest of the night texting My best girl friend since 2nd grade Katie and I was just crying and crying.     IF the next day would have been a school day I would of skipped because I couldnt stand talking to him or seeing him at all I had fallen asleep at about 4am the last night I passed out from crying when I woke up I was dehydrated so I grabbed a bottle of water and went back to bed and cried more I wasnt ready to get up, see anyone or do anything.  The only person I was with was my dog he just curled up next to me while I cried.   Later during the day while I was still crying My phone rang I didnt look to see who it was I thought it was just katie so I just kept crying

"Hello" I said right in the middle of crying

"Eliza its Elion, have you been crying" He asked

"What do you care" I spat back in an angry tone

"Because your my friend why wouldnt I" He said

"You didnt last night when u HUNG UP on me" I screamed

"Yah I know that was wrong bbut I called to make it right ok , your cute but not my type" He said

"ELION just give me a chance ok just like you gave emily" I pleaded

WHy do I keep LOVING youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin