chapter 2: Snowy hill

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(Y/N's p.o.v.)
That next day went as smoothly as it could. To my surprise, my parents hardly fought and the drive wasn't too bad, they still barely spoke, but it was still better then the screaming and yelling. As we went up the snow covered hill to the cabin, my smile widened. When the car came to a stop, I flung the door open and jumped out, grabbing my suitcase. My dad laughed.
" How about waiting for the rest of us?"
" Well then pick up the pace, pops."
I ran to the cabin and opened the door, it was just like I remembered. Dark hard wood floors, a stone fire place with a TV, a small kitchen, and cozy living room. Smiling, I walked up  the stairs to my room, my parents just walking into the cabin. I walked into my room and looked around. White painted walls, a small chandelier hung from the ceiling, and pastel peach colored carpet floor. I put my suitcase on the bed and put my clothes in the cloest. Some of my old clothes my grandmother made me was still in there from a couple of years ago. I could probably still fit into them, seeing how I hadn't changed that much. After that, I was about to go downstairs when i heard my mom and dad talking.
" This isn't going to change anything. I want a divorce when this week is over."
My dad sighed.
" You want a divorce....fine, but (Y/N) stays with me."
After that, I heard the front door slam.
I sighed, a tear rolling down my cheek as I sat on the floor.

This can't be happening!

I took in a deep breathes, looking up at the ceiling.
" M-Maybe she'll change her mind. There's still time for her to think things over."
I rubbed my eyes and stood up, holding my arms to my chest.

That's when I heard it, chuckling, sounding like it was coming from a radio, just like the growl from before.
I slowly walked over to the window in my room and looked out, I saw a flash of bright crimson red. I jumped back, stumbling into my bed.
" Oh my god!!"

What in God's holy name was THAT!?

I stayed in place for a moment, just staring at the window. After a while, I moved over to it and looked out.


I sighed, shaking my head. I walked out of my room and downstairs. My mom sat on the couch, reading a book. I walked outside and saw my dad sitting on the porch, smoking a cigarette.
" Hey dad."
He turned to me and smiled, patting the place next to him. I sat down and laid my head on his shoulder.
".....Do you think mom will change her mind?"
" Honestly....I don't think so. Now, I'll ask you since it's up to you. Do you want to live with me or her?"
I sighed looking down.
" ....You."
He nods, finishing his cigarette.
" that that's settled, let's go inside."
I nodded and we stood up, heading back inside. Mom turned to us, then goes back to her book. I sighed, then headed back upstairs. I stopped when I heard my mom's voice.
" So you're turning my daughter against me?"
" No, I'm not. I asked her who she wanted to live with and she choose me!"
My mom's voice raised.
" Oh really!?"
I went into my room and covered my ears. As the argument continued, I closed my eyes, crying. Suddenly, the sound of my parents' angry voices faded away and not a single sound could be heard. I slowly took my hands off my ears and opened my eyes.
" Hello, my dear." A voice said, soundly like a radio announcer.
I looked up and froze, the man from the woods stood there, smiling down at me. His golden teeth shined and his crimson eyes looked down at me. On top of his head of blood red hair was dear ears and antlers, and in one of his clawed hands was a staff with a vintage microphone on top. I backed myself into the wall and he smiled in amusement.
" Now, Now. No need to be frightened. I came to help." He said, offering me his hand.
I hesitated, but I took it and he helped me up.
" W-What do you want?"
" I'm here to offer my help."
" Help with....what exactly?"
He laughs, but it was hollow.
" Why, help with your stubborn parents of course. From what I've seen, their marriage is nearing its end and its harming you greatly, correct?"
I nodded, looking down.
" Yes..."
" Well, my dear. I'll make them see their mistakes and bring them back together for you."
I looked up at him.

This sounded perfect!.....Too perfect.

" Then what do you want if I agree?"
He looked down at me, that unnerving smile not fading.
" Well, if I help you...I want your life in exchange."
My eyes went wide.
" Wha-!?"
" The choice is yours dear."
I looked at this man in shock.

Was he serious!?.....I did want my parent to stay together.....but I wasn't going to give my life away.

" No!!"
He smile flinched but didn't fade away.
" I beg your pardon?" He said, his voice dark and sinister.
" I-I said NO!! Get out of here, leave me alone!!"
The hand gripping his staff held it tightly.
" Have it your way." He said with a slight growl, that smile still planted on his face.
Ringing builds in my ears, making me cover them and fall to the floor. Once the ringing stopped, I opened my eyes and he was gone.

God help me.

My Dear Girl (Alastor x Reader) (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora