Detangling herself free, Aurora stood up and offered her hand out with a smile.
"Come on, breakfast and then office"
"You get dressed mouse, I'll start the cups of tea"
Looking down, Aurora noticed she was still in yesterday's clothes and suddenly she felt exceedingly dirty. It was best Tommy started breakfast without her, Aurora was in serious need of a wash and new clothes that didn't smell like rain and stables.
"Good idea Tommy, I won't be long" Aurora reassured already heading towards her wardrobe as Tommy gave her a slight nod and headed out the room.
Noting that she hadn't heard his footsteps on the stairs, Aurora closed one of the wardrobe doors and frowned, waiting for him to speak up or make an appearance.

"Aurora" Tommy finally called out and tugging on a light yellow dress, Aurora threw it on the bed and walked out the room.
Tommy was stood looking up at a painting, his head to the side as he looked on in wonder. The painting showed a beauteous horse, gracefully sprinting through a field of wild flowers, an angry scar running down its side. It was a exquisite but harrowing piece of art.
"Yes Tommy?" Aurora enquired appearing beside him, waiting patiently for him to bring his eyes away from the painting.
"This piece.......who painted it?" Tommy wondered, admiring the work while resisting the urge to pull it from the wall and place it within his own home.
"I did, I thought adding me own work to the house would be a nice touch, make it more personal to me. All the paintings you see on the wall are mine" Aurora confessed with a shrug.
She had never been proud of her work but it did make her happy to see people's reaction to it whether they liked it or not.
"Now tell me mouse why would you be working in a fuckin' office when you could be charging toffs for your work. Robbing them out of hundreds, perhaps even thousands of pounds. You have a skill mouse, why not use it?" Tommy frowned before throwing her a wink.
"It's more of a hobby Tommy, something I do for fun, not to rob people" Aurora laughed, rolling her eyes at him.
Did Tommy ever stop thinking of ways to swipe coin from underneath people?
"Well if business ever fails, you could prostitute your work" Tommy offered seriously causing Aurora to scoff and slap his shoulder.
"Thomas!... just go downstairs and get breakfast going" Aurora shook her head, grabbing him and pushing him towards the stairs.
Turning to walk in the direction of the bathroom, Aurora found herself giggling at how peculiar Tommy Shelby was.
What had she gotten herself into?

To Aurora's disappointment, breakfast passed fast. She had wanted to enjoy his company more but they had already been pushing for time. Knowing she couldn't keep him within her home forever, Aurora had reluctantly followed him out to the car and there they began the drive to the office. Arriving at work, Aurora took Tommy's hand and held it tightly, ignoring the shocked stares from workers as they walked through the doors. Holding her head up, Aurora focused her attention on her Dads office. She could see him watching them through the door but it did not deter Aurora from dropping Tommy's hand, it was time everyone got used to seeing them together.

"Morning William" Tommy announced heading into the office first.
William noticing the happiness in his daughters eyes placed a large smile on his face and relaxed in his chair knowing the troubles from yesterday had gone. William also wasn't cretinous, he knew the two had spent the night together. He had been informed by one of the workers of Tommy's appearance the evening before and now he was grateful for it, being that Tommy was the one who had made his child smile once more.
"Morning Tommy, Aurora" William greeted, giving Aurora a knowing look.
"Ok Dad, I will leave you men to your business but I'm going to need something to do"
Letting go of Tommy's hand she stared at her Dad expectantly, still not feeling too happy about being left out of business and kept in the dark.
"I have no work for you today Aurora so do as will but be back for 3, I shall be done with your Tommy by then" William smirked humorously trying to tease his daughter and watching her face go red, he let out a laugh.
"Fine suppose I'll head to the Golden Lion, see you two in a bit"
Leaning up Aurora placed her lips on Tommy's cheek and slipping her hand into his pocket, she removed his car keys and headed for the door.
"Try not to get drunk mouse, we don't want a repeat of last time!"

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