1. The day before Christmas Eve

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Harry put down the bag at the desk and pulled the curtain over the window. Yes, he didn't want to see what was happening outside his office window. He sat down in the cold seat, started the computer and looked at the clock. Seven in the morning and he was satisfied with the time. Time was money and money was expensive. He knew he needed to work to get every pound in his own pocket. He was certainly one of London's richest men, but for him it was about more. Yes, for him it was a lifestyle.

"Good morning Mr. Style!"

Niall showed up. Yes, he worked for Harry with minimal pay. All to keep every part from the cake. Harry snorted at him. Niall slipped in and sat down at the other side of the room. His desk was at the door, and there was his place. Harry watched him closely. At one time there had been a reason why Harry employee Niall, but long time ago all that was a memory and for the moment Harry was anything but pleased over that Niall was there. Niall was a happy person, he liked to hum a melody now and then, which Harry hated, but Niall worked fast and hard. Perhaps that was why he was allowed to stay?

"You're late Mr. Horan?"

Niall looked up at him and it was like he was losing the words. He then pulled his hand through his hair and came up with that stupid face. He smiled, but those ruddy cheeks spoke about trying to appear more sure against from what he was.

"Uh, I had some problems before I came here. I promise it wont repeat itself, but it's actually Christmas eve tomorrow."

Harry snorted and broke off the conversation right there. Christmas Eve? That was something  Harry had stopped thinking about a long time ago. Christmas was for those who sold goods and stuff, just to make more money in the pocket from those who didn't even have money. The whole part of giving each other Christmas presents sucked. Why not give each other money in an account? Why not just ignore such an old tradition and let life go on without wasting money? Humbug was what it was. Just humbug!

Harry wasn't a cold person straight through, no he cared about people, but he had a hard time showing it. He chose to walk the hard way. Friends? Them you couldn't eat and lovers? They you couldn't survive with. Harry was a man with routines. He was a man who didn't let go from what worked. Christmas Eve didn't work, so that's why he hated that month of December. That month was as all about energy, as if everyone got extra energy and wasted money on meals and gifts, as much as they should and they shouldn't. He had never understood all that with Christmas. Maybe he deep down inside held a small  memory from a good Christmas, but his gray walls created protection from that memory. For him, life was about money, saving money, and not waste them on others just like that.

"Merry Christmas dear brother!"

Of all the people in this whole world did Gemma appeared, his sister, in the door. She threw the door open, letting in the cold air in and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Merry Christmas!" Niall responded quickly, but his smile disappeared when he saw his employer's cruel face.

"Gemma, what causes you to visit me today, of all days in the year?" he replied cold and dry. "And end up with that humbug."

Gemma laughed and closed the door. She peered toward the not burning stove, as stood in the middle of the room, cold and without passion for more.

"I just wanted to invite you home to us. My boyfriend and I have a gathering tomorrow with friends and people as we care about, and you're the last person left to ask on the list"

Harry snorted and looked up at her. Gemma's choice of husband was equal to a pigs food choices. She ate what she got, and that man wasn't even rich, not a man as she needed.

A Christmas Story (Narry)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن