Give me another chance

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Just before the man could return back the already decided answer of his boss, the phone was sharply cut off by the other line.

"S-sir.. Mrs Lee said-"

The man was silented again with a single gesture of a hand raise. The phone was returned on the gigantic glass table and the man stood still in his position to be instruted. His first mission just miserably failed infront of the one who assigned it and he wished not to ruin another task he might be given in a minute.

"It's okay. You may leave."

"Yes sir. But are you going?"


The man bowed polietly and left the room as quiet as possible.

Jeno released an extreme amount of heavy gas that settled in his heart. He knew he would be instructed, controlled, chained up, and tamed this way. He expected this. He knew he could not change his own mother's authority over him and he recognized the consequences of not being able to do so. As soon as he set his foot on this very land again, the only goal was to regain everything he has lost. Every single things he lost: his capabilities, his natural stuborness and most importantly, the owner of his heart.

His hand extended out on the glass table to reach for the phone. The screen lit up with the image of the two white grooms standing perfectly by hand in hand; Both of their smiles so alive and loving, their eyes showing the world they brought for the other and their overlapping heartbeats that could be heard through the glass screen. That was how strong their love was. That was how Jeno loved Jaemin. And that was how Jaemin admired Jeno.

Jeno's finger traced on the sweet face. His eyes followed the wide smile that was only for him. He owned those lips. Those pair of cottons were of his own to cherish. But he threw them away, helplessly.

The screen darkened eventually and there displayed the state of emotion he deserved to be in. The pitch dark reflection was of the streams of tears that begged to be wiped out by his sweet husband's hands that -he knew-he threw away himself.


"Thank you for coming today. We did not expect you to show up personally"

Jaemin beamed in rays to the curator's wrap up response. Their meeting has successfully ended and there were no major issues aside from two small changes to which Jaemin had no problem giving in.

"No, I actually want to hear what you want to say. I am just an artist. All I do is paint all day. But I also have to listen what my customers  want for adjusting some changes," his sweet voice kindly replied. The two men, who came for the meeting, were satisfied as they returned the same kind smile.

Jaemin glanced back at the men and lit up a warm smile again. He then mouthed an excuse from the lunch table as he raised up his phone. The other two nodded in union with one of them putting his fork down and stranding out the same hand to show manner.

He walked to the bathroom as he dialed back the miscall he recieved fifteen minutes ago. It was from Haechan. After a short waiting, the other line received.


"Hey Haechan," Jaemin answered back as he entered the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror and re-adjusted his neck tie.

"Are you still in the meeting?" Haechan questioned with a slight concern mixed with nervousness. He was the one who found these customers and he was worried they would be asking to much for Jaemin to change his artwork. Haechan has so much respect on Jaemin's arts that everytime someone asks Jaemin to compromise about his work, Haechan would get so nervous.

HE'S MY EX HUSBANDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat