First Day

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I regret it so much. I should've never listen to my sister. She is the reason why I'm still single while all other people of my age are being kissed and taken out on dates. She ruined my whole life. OK maybe I'm exaggerating now but still if it wouldn't have been for her than I would've never been introduced to wattpad. Now you must be thinking how did a poor small app managed to make me so upset. Well isn't it obvious it gave me HOPE. It actually made me believe that a girl like me with a huge apatite and not so good looking features was going to get a "Bad Boy" for herself who's actually gonna treat me like Queen.
Yeh Boohoo Grace can't believe you seriously fell for that. So well because I had the perfect picture of Reece Carter inside my head as my soulmate I ignored every decent guy that approached me.
And that brings me to today's date where I'm standing in front of my new high school and reminding myself of each mistake I ever did in my previous school and how I'm not gonna repeat any of them.
"Are you going to move cause you've been standing there for almost 10 minutes now." I snapped back to reality as I saw the security guard of the school gate looking at me with an irritated look plastered on his face. I tried to give him my best smile but he just rolled his eyes and went back inside his cabin. Ookkeeyyy. Very welcoming indeed. Now just so you know I'm not really the shy or timid type of girl who cries over everything and is always scared but the thought of spending next two years in a place where I know literally no one is just making me very nervous. So I stood there for like next 2-3 minutes playing with the hem of my red white stripped shirt. I looked quite presentable with my pitch black hair tied up in a ponytail and my body fitting perfectly in the shirt and dark blue jeans that I wore. I had no make up on my face cause didn't like it just face moisturizer and some lip balm. When I felt I've gathered enough courage I took a big step forward and a deep breath in. Rossetti High SCHOOL here I come.


"So how's it Grace ? Why won't you reply back to my texts ? Did you make friends ? Are they treating you good ? They aren't bullying you are they??"
My sister showered me with questions as soon as I called her in lunch.
"Seriously Jules don't get so hyped up. I couldn't text you cause I was in my class. And no nobody is bullying me and I also made few friends so stop worrying." I assured her. "OK then well I just needed to remind you that today's my night shift so I won't be home I've left money on the table in the hall order yourself something. Take care of yourself at night remember to lock all the doors and windows." She repeated the same thing she told me twice in the morning. "OK captain" I replied with a playful tone. "OK then enjoy the rest of your day. Bye." With that she hung up. Its been like this since the beginning of the vacation this year. My sister being the parental figure for me. Our parents died when I was 13 and Jules was in her senior year than she moved to Beaufort to complete here studies and I was left behind with aunt Leah in Richmond. Not that I didn't like aunt Leah but I've always wanted to be near my sister so when she called this summer saying that she got a job as assistant veterinarian and can finally take care of me on her own I came here to Beaufort to live with her.
I finally reached the canteen and searched for Maya and Steve. When I spotted them a smile itself made its way towards my face. I met them today morning the school wasn't as bad as I expected but then again it was the first day and not many people came. Turns out Maya my locker partner and Steve is her brother they both look really similar same navy blue eyes and blonde hair and perfect facial features one would almost say that they are twins except Maya is a year junior than Steve.
Anyways they are really cool to talk to and were kind enough to invite me to sit with them in lunch. I bought French fries and bottle of water from the counter and made my way towards their table.
There was also one other girl sitting there with shoulder length ref hair and brown cow eyes she was really pretty and seemed sweet. "Grace you made it come sit next to me" Maya welcomed me when I reached there. "Betty this is Grace. Grace meet Betty Steve's girlfriend." She introduced us. I sat down next to Maya. And we started to talk about random topics. "So tell me something about your previous school and friends?" Betty inquired. "Well the school was kinnda boring we didn't really do any activities or carnival. All they cared about was marks. And we needs to work our asses of to get good grade cause that's the only thing that mattered. My friends were really cool though. They were really supportive and were fun to hang around with." I said with a sad smile. I kind of really missed them. Especially Ben and Diana my best friends. "Didn't you have any boyfriend or crush?" Maya asked me wiggling her eyebrows. "No," I said laughing I told them about how I let every good guy slip out of my hand cause they didn't live up to my expectations. "Ohh I see so you have a thing for bad boys huh. Wait till the whole senior year batch comes back to school maybe you'll find your prince charming among them. They are really treat to the eyes especially Derek and his squad." Maya said with dreamy eyes. By that time I noticed that Steve and Betty were lost in their own world. I shrugged and said,"Well to be honest I guess I am out of that phase now. I don't think I would like to get involved with the ' Bad Boys ' anymore." And with that I started munching my fries. Little did I know how wrong I was going to be proved.


And that would be the first chapter let me know if you want me to update more or not.

Thank you peps...

Forever YoursTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon