Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: **The 4 out of  the millions**

"Aye Jay, Aaliya just sent in her verse for yo song." Kanye said

"Put that shit in Ye."

He put it in and I heard this beat I didn't really like it. Then I heard Aaliya's voice which is amazing, but it just didn't fit with what I was looking for. Her verse she wrote didn't match what I was looking for either. She was trying too hard to be hood and I know I said I wanted that but her version of "hood" isn't it.

"Stop it Ye."

I scratched my chin then propped myself up on my elbow.

"I respect her as an artist. I like her work and I've listened to her music, I thought this would be perfect but it isn't right." I said more to myself.

Kanye sat across the table with a few of my other boys and just shook his head.

See, this isn't the first time this has happened. I've been looking for a girl for this song for awhile. We've had three girls send their verse in but it doesn't feel right.

"You should do a contest." One of my boys said

I scrunched up my eyebrows, "What?"

"You know like go on search to find yo Bonnie. Some shit like that. Have girls around the world send in they verse. It could work."

I nodded my head. It doesn't actually sound like a bad idea at all. It's not like I'm having any luck with these girls in the industry.

"It's late tho. I'll sleep on it then we'll decide something in the morning."

They all nodded their heads.

I dapped Kanye's shoulder on my way out, "I'm out."


I woke up the next morning with an idea. I need to let Ye and the boys hear this before I change my mind or simply forget.

I called up Ye and a couple niggas on my label and told them to be up at my house as soon as they could.

They all agreed to meet me there, which I knew they would or their asses would be cut off real quick.

I was sitting in the living room watching basketball when I heard my door bell ring. I got up to get it already knowing who it was. As I was walking I still heard my doorbell ringing in this annoying pattern.


The door bell kept ringing then I opened my door and there stood Kanye, Ty, and Daymon playing with my door bell.

"Damn this beat is sick."

"Dead ass we need to record that." Ty said

"If you dumb fucks don't stop playing with my door bell." I said slapping all three of them in the head


"Punk asses."I said

I walked threw the house expecting them to follow but when I looked back they weren't following. I went back to the door to see them standing there staring at me like an idiot.

"Are you gon come in or just stand there and stare at me?" I asked.

"You have to give a nigga permission."

"Why? You niggas always here." I said

"Because you always invite us in."

"What kind of bitch's are you guys?"

**Finding My Bonnie**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ