Chapter 2

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When I ran into the room he was waiting there for me arms crossed, and glaring. I apologized over and over melting at the sight of him. But it was no use I was in trouble big time, because this was the latest in a long chain of tardies . He sighed,

" Go make my tea, and this time, do it right." Oh, how I hate him. Wait wasn't I JUST saying how much I loved him? Wow, I am seriously emotionally confused. I tender glance as I passed by him which quickly turned into a glare as soon as he looked my way as I stalked off to make the Britt some tea.

Sitting anxiously on the floor by his seat I watched England sipping the tea I had slaved over hoping he wouldn't notice that the ingredients I had used were French. Sighing and glaring at me he put the cup down on the table.

"What did you use this time?" he glared, clearly knowing already. Looking at the floor intensely I mumbled guiltily,

"The… French tea leaves I was given…" He nodded as if that was all he had expected from me. Giving me the cup and clearly trying his best to stay calm he hissed at me,

"Go make tea, correctly this time. However…" he continued, staring in the opposite direction. "You are getting better." My spirits rose. " But it's hard to be much worse…so go fix it." And came crashing down again. Jerking the cup away it didn't occur to me that it was still full with tea, which I managed to spill all over myself, England, and the floor. By the look in England's eyes I could tell I didn't have much time to brace myself for a verbal beating. England had even gone so far as to draw a breath when the doors swung open, and a lifesaving Frenchman walked into the room.

"France!" I had never been so happy to see him in my entire life. Well perhaps that's not true because when I had been alone for months at a time and he showed up at my house at random I had been ecstatic, but this was pretty damn close. His eyes swept over me and he gave me a wink telling me he had been watching this entire time and had been waiting for this, making me blush.

"Arthur, why can't you just give the poor girl a break? Why don't you let me take her off your hands since she's my lover hm?" I winced at that, most because I most certainly am NOT his lover and I mumbled,

" 'M not your lover Francis." He didn't seem to hear me nor acknowledge my presence, he was in a dead stare down with England.

"She's my colony now, Francis, deal with it." He responded, taking my hand and pulling me towards him. I looked down because I knew I was blushing, and enjoying being so close to him. Glaring France took my other hand and jerked me away and out of England's grasp, into his chest. Blushing once more I continued to look down. My face turned a darker red, when France put his arm around my shoulder and walked me out of the room. Leaving England in a small state of shock.

Peeling myself out of his grip once we were outside I said, "Thank you Francis." And walked quickly off without waiting for a reply. It was dark and I had to get to my dorm, and do the mound of homework I had. Oh. Joy.

Math done…finally. Now all I have was every other subject and I'm good! As my hand passed my cell phone for a new pencil, it buzzed with a text message as if on cue. I picked it up and read the text coming from an unknown number. It read,

Come outside your dorm.

And that was it, looking outside my window, I saw a blonde head, a sure sign that it was good. My brain went into typical teenage girl mode, thinking about whoever it could be. Hitting my head lightly against the window, I rushed outside grabbing my jacket on the way out.

When I got outside I tripped over my own feet, causing myself to lightly fall right into France, which seemed to please him greatly. Blushing I started to back away, only to be pulled back against him.

"Fr-Francis please… this is sort of embarrassing…" He simply chuckled, and continued to hold me against him, feeling his hand creep around my body I forced myself away and gave him a severe headache, from injury…and yelling. My face was bright red not from anger but embarrassment.

"I apologize , mademoiselle , I did not mean to offend you or make you uncomfortable…"

"No, only get in my pants." I hissed, looking down guiltily I said, "I-I'm sorry, after you helped me out with England and I came out here and hit you." Even though you deserved it, I added in my brain. Somehow he managed to smile through the pain I caused him, his eye was starting to swell I noticed. "D-do you want to come inside and put some ice on that?" He nodded slightly.

I went to let him in, praying he wouldn't try anything else on me while we were locked in a room together…oh dear…I don't like the sound of that… but I didn't have to worry about it any longer because as soon as we turned to go back into my dorm I heard ,

"OI! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING OUT HERE?!?! ITS PAST CURFEW! TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" We both jumped and turned to see "school president" England , coming angrily toward us. Once he got there he grabbed me by my collar and drug me up to the office, all the time whispering ,

"What am I going to do with you? Sneaking out after curfew with that perv. No less!" he hissed in my ear, with what I thought was a hint of jealousy in his voice…but I was probably just imagining it. France trailing behind us, we made our way to the office.

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