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I wanted to cry and scream as I wrote this. I haven't been this nervous for like a few months. I might possibly be so nervous, I can taste it. These probably will verge on drabble territory, since a full-length story? I'm not doing that, I have a limited brain.

Getting too close to someone can be considered dangerous. You don't know what will happen.

But, for personal reasons, he didn't like people favoring his son. Those people could be dangerous, they could be predators. The problem would be eliminated, however, another troublesome issue would come up.

Not Sherman's question of why the person disappeared overnight.

Peabody could not risk even the slightest chance of what happened, so the solution would fall under moving to another location. After speaking to the police, it now was just a boring part of a routine to get it over with. Sure it looked suspicious that they moved every time after someone from a location he happened to be in, vanished and later found motionless. He assured it was for his son's protection. Now, if only people would stop so they could stay in one place.

The first time it happened, he knew that specific human needed to go. He sincerely hoped that'd be the end of it. But, no, almost every time he took his son out for public outings, isolation is not healthy after all, people would try to get close to him. The worst had to be the women who gushed about how adorable his boy was and wished they had one like him.

Peabody tried to tell himself, it's an innocent comment.

Remember last time someone said an innocent comment?

His mind was made up long ago, getting close is a dangerous idea. Especially towards his son.

My anxiety is shooting through the roof.

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