Teleported To The Sengoku And Saving Oda Nobunaga's Life

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"No, I did not, anyway, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Hinamori Alexandra, but, my friends call me Alex for short."

"Hinamori Alexandra huh? that's a nice name."

"You're not the first person to say that to me, by the way, what were you doing in Honno-Ji temple?"

"It's a long story but, that doesn't matter right now..." Nobunaga said as he walked closer to me.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I was surprised by this. 

"You're interesting and I've never known a woman to take an interest in me."

I growled in defence and I jumped away from him thanks to my wolf's reflexes. I growled quietly at Nobunaga so he didn't hear my inner wolf growling at him. He stood there with a surprised expression on his face.

"Well, that was unexpected, what are you? are you a ninja?"

"No, I am not! you just grabbed me without warning! I got a little defensive nothing more!"

I told him as I stood up from the ground. Just then, I heard something from the distance and when I turned to look, I saw a group of men approaching Nobunaga. 

"Lord Nobunaga!"

Nobunaga looked at the newcomers and he said to him.


"I came on orders from Lord Hideyoshi. I am glad you're safe..."

Mitsunari looked at me and he asked him.

"Who is this woman? Isaw you two leaving Honno-Ji together but..."

"I don't know who she is but, she woke me up and saw me to safety."

"You saved Lord Nobunaga's life?! thank you so much."

"It was nothing, by the way, the name's Hinamori Alexandra but, my friends call me Alex."

"It's nice to meet you Lady Alex, I'm Ishida Mitsunari, I serve at the side of Lord Hideyoshi, the right hand of Lord Nobunaga."

Mitsunari said as he bowed politely to me.

"Wow! what an angel!" Shadow shouted unexpectedly.

"I can hear you, you know!" I shouted back at her in my mind.

"But, why were you at Honno-Ji temple? you don't look like a nun."

"It's complicated and it'll take too long to explain."

I said as I crossed over my arms with an 'it's none of your business' look on my face.

"Well, however you got in there, you saved Lord Nobunaga's life and I am so grateful for that."

"That's true, anyway, my subordinate will give you a change of clothes."

I glanced down at myself and my modern clothes were wrecked and they were covered in sot from the fire. 

"Oh brother and I just got this hoodie as well," I mumbled quietly and then I followed after Nobunaga and Mitsunari.

Mitsunari led me to the campsite and then he gave me a change of clothes. Mitsunari had given me a white kimono with light flowers on it.

"Here you go, please change into these."

"Thanks," I said as I went into one of the tents to get changed.

I got changed out of my modern clothes and I got changed into the kimono that Mitsunari gave me. I fixed my hair into a ponytail and then I stepped out of the tent. The moment I stepped out of the tent, Mitsunari along with Nobunaga and his soldiers stared at me with shocked looks on their faces.

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