A mansion?

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"Luigi you got mail." Mario said from
across the room. Luigi looks over at
his brother and tilted his head to the side. "Mail, for me?"
"Ya, it says Luigi Lombardi on it." Mario moves to him waves the letter back and forth. "It says congratulations... Here open it" After handing it to his baby brother, Luigi opens it and starts to read.

Mr. Lombardi, we thank you for participating in our contest. We are happy to inform you that youg have won our grand prize, a large mansion in the Castcave Kingdom. The mansion is yours to do as you please. Along with this letter will be a map showing you the way to your new mansion.

"What does it say?" Mario asks, standing on his tiptoes to look at the letter. "A..a mansion?" Luigi studded in disbelief. "A what?! What do i- just let me see!" Mario sanches the letter out of his hands." A contest?.. what?.. did I?" "Weegee! You won a mansion, bro good for you!" Patting his brother on the back happily. "This is so cool. Uh Luigi where's your map?"" It's right here." Handing the paper to Mario.

The mansion he won looks so far from the Mushroom Kingdom. It's in a place that he never even heard of, A place called Castcave Kingdom.'

"Mario I don't remember entering any contest."
"Really? Not at all?" Luigi shucks his head. "Well, maybe it's one of those, random picking contest thingies?" Mario shrugs his shoulders."I don't know Mario. I'm not sure about this." "It's ok bro, how about this. On the weekend we can go and check out the mansion together? If you want, I can also go ahead a little bit to scoop out the area for ya. If you're that uneasy." Luigi looks down at the map for a while then smiled and nodded. "That's my bro. You Don't have to worry about a thing Weegee. Your big brother will protect you from all the scary monsters. " Pinching Luigi's check while talking to him like a baby."Ok, Mario stop it." smacking Mario's hand from his face. "We can do that but first, we have to tell your girlfriend before we go. We don't want her to be worried." he said walking to the kitchen."What,who?"Mario said raising his eyebrows." You know who, the Princess. You do have to tell her you're helping me. And you'll be gone for a couple of days out of the kingdom." Luigi teased his brother." Ihavenoideawhatyou'retalkingabout. Luigi. But, I will tell the Princess we will not be here." " I hope nothing happens when we're not here." Luigi said knocking on the wooden table. Mario did the same thing nodding. "Well, we are going to have to get ready before we go Weegee."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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