As soon as it cuts off, Tony doesn't waste a second before trying to lunge at Bucky. I quickly place myself in front of him as Steve grabs his shoulder and pulls him back. Stark looks back at him with a slight confusion and distaste for his actions. "Did you know?" He glances to me. "Did either of you know?" I quickly shake my head. I was telling the truth, I'd never seen this video before, but that wasn't Bucky.

   "I didn't know it was him." Steve tries, but tony grits his teeth, nearly snarling at him with anger.

   "Don't bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?" He stares into his eyes, almost threatening him to say that he didn't.

   Steve gulps, his expression faltering. "Yes." With that word, Tony steps back with an appalled look now covering his face. He looks back to the blank screen of the monitor and something in his face shifts, a demeanor of rage now taking over. Tony's fist flys back into Steve's face, causing me to prop my gun up and begin to walk backwards, forcing Bucky to move back with me because I knew that would be who he would go after next.

   "Tony, don't do it. It wasn't him!" I shout, but he shoots a blast at me, knocking the gun out of my hand. Not having time to pick it back up, I conjure a surge of power and use my telekinesis to grab Tony and throw him into the wall. "You need to go. Now." I say firmly to Buck, but he shakes his head.

   "I can't leave you behind."

   The familiar sound of Stark's suit powering up rings out and before I know it, I'm pinned to the ground and a hit is delivered to my jaw. He goes to hit me with his other hand, but I catch it with my own, pushing against it. It seems to catch him by surprise, but I channel all of my strength to shove him off of me.

   Steve quickly takes over fighting Tony and I grab my gun as I stumble to my feet. Stark shoots cuffs onto Steve's feet and uses the advantage to fly at Bucky, but I fire a round at one of the boosters on his feet, causing a small explosion and him to fall down. It takes him a second to regain balance and pin Buck to the wall.

   I take one hand off my gun and use it to focus my power on Tony's suit. An aura of lavender surrounds him and I pull his fist away, pushing it into his own chest as Bucky moves out of the way. I make a crushing motion with my hand and break the small blaster in the palm of his hand, but before I can break the other one, a loud crashing noise causes me to look up. Someone must've fired something at the ceiling when I wasn't paying attention, compromising the integrity of the structure.

I drop Tony and shove Bucky out of the way of the debris that begins to fall from the ceiling, we narrowly dodge a beam that fell not a foot away from us.

"You need to get out of here! I'll meet you back at the jet!" I yell at Bucky, tossing him my gun as we stand and run into the room next to the chamber. I look up, seeing an opening. "I'll lift you up a few levels."

"I'm not letting you get hurt because of me!" He shouts over the noise of half the building collapsing.

   "James Barnes, you're going to the jet! Don't argue with me." I threaten, giving a reassuring look as I push him forward. As soon as I get him out of here I can handle Tony and Steve without worrying about him getting hurt, or worse, killed. "On the count of three! One, two, three!" I make a lifting motion with my hands as the force of my power lifts him up a few levels and away from the ground. I drop him on one near the middle, giving him a nod to keep going and climb over the edge once he gets to the top.

   I run back to the main room, jumping over a few pieces of rubble. I look up and before I can comprehend what Tony had done, he was flying over my head and into the joining room where Bucky was climbing. He landed and a laser ejected from his wrist, the beam cut through part of the walkway, making it fill with a pile of concrete and debris.

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