Chapter 1 - Please Forgive Me

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Toshio had been trying to call Yuu for a week now, since he hasn't been able to see her since the argument between them.


"Is Mami really that good?" She asked, annoyed.

"You two are complete opposites. No matter how hard you work, you won't be like Mami-can."

He stupidly didn't think twice about what he'd said, not realizing how cruel that was. Especially since he didn't know she had feelings for him.

The moment she started crying and ran off, he'd understood what he had just done was wrong, and went to chase after her, but his friend Midori had held him in place and decided to give Toshio a well deserved lecture. Toshio knew he had to apologize as soon as possible.

Flashback End

"God, this is such a pain, I just want to tell her I'm sorry!" Toshio spoke to himself in exasperation.

He hated the sound of her crying, he always had, and the way she ran off kept playing in his head over and over again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'He's such a jerk!' Yuu thought, sniffling into her pillow even though it's a week later.

Then all of a sudden she heard her mom call out, "Yuu! Come downstairs! Someone wants to talk to you!"

'Huh? I don't want to get up, I just want to be left alone. I mean, who would want to talk with someone that's not amazing like Mami?'

But Yuu decided to get up like her mom said, otherwise she'd feel her wrath of spankings. She slowly wiped the tears off her face, pushed her hair out of the way making it look decent enough for someone to see her. She opened her bedroom door and begrudgingly made her way down the stairs.

As Yuu arrived into the living room, she was met with the very thing that made her so depressed.

"Hey, Yuu." Toshio smiled.


"Toshio..?" Yuu was in disbelief. Why was he here? He made it perfectly clear that Mami was better than she was.

Natsume and Tetsuo could feel the awkwardness and tension in the room and assumed they needed to talk without an audience. "Natsume, I need your help in making some special flavor crepes for the usual riot of girls outside." The girls were always really annoying, but you gotta make money! Natsume nodded and they left the two kids to chat.


Toshio and Yuu were sitting on the couch, Yuu couldn't look him in the eye, why would she? How could she?

"Yuu, I'm so sorry that I hurt your feelings like that. It was totally uncalled for and I didn't mean it. " he spoke honestly.

She turned to look at him, tears threatening to fall.

"Toshio, that was really mean, I thought you were more of a friend than that." she replied.

Toshio felt incredibly guilty, his words cut her deeper than he'd first thought. He grabbed her arms and pulled her into a lung-crushing hug.

"Yuu! I completely regret what I said, you're my best friend and I had no right to insult you like that. Please forgive me!" Toshio pleaded.


Yuu couldn't believe it, Toshio was being kind? She honestly couldn't stay mad at him if he truly was sorry, besides she actually was Mami, so she definitely is as good as her!

"Toshio... I'll forgive you. But never tell me I'm not as good as someone again!" she scolded. 

"I promise, I won't say something so idiotic ever again." He took her by the hand and brought her outside deciding that they should celebrate having made up with each other by playing in the nearby park.


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