
968 33 14

(Time skip)

You,Mirage,and Bloodhound hopped out of the bus and near a weird shady looking alley


You walked into the alley and were greeted with a dark figure

Of course lifeline's friend is going to be a escaped prisoner. You thought to yourself

Mirage and bloodhound were behind you,holding hands.

Mirage one hand holding bloodhound's and the other holding a plastic Wal-Mart bag with something in it.

/not sponsored/

The figure comes closer to you holding its hand out you couldnt see much of them, it was too dark.

Bloodhound finally caught up and gave him the bag.

As you were heading out the figure followed you

"Hola! I dont think we've met!" The male said in a friendly Spanish accent while holding out his hand for a handshake

"Oh!" You said a bit startled, "Hi! I'm Y/N" you replied shaking his warm hand.

As you looked up at him you recognized him instantly it was Octavio Silva or as most of his social media him by, Octane.

"Are you Octane?" You said with butterflies in your stomach

He nodded

Your legs felt shaky

Octavio Silva your "celebrity crush" you and Natalie(wattson) would always joke about.

Before you could stop thinking you were being taken away by Octavio

His hand holding yours

Looking behind you, Eliot and Bloodhound seemed to awkwardly follow.

Delinquents -Octane x Reader-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora