I am gay (pt.3)

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She smirks, "Fire baby."

I blush a little, trying to hide it. Isn't it crazy that after all of these years she still gives me butterflies? Billie wears a blue outfit, sliding on some glasses.
She smiles at me and gives me a hug, "You're so damn cute ooooo."

I laugh and kiss her on her forehead, "Common we can't be late."

She kisses my lips and takes my hand as we head over to grab scooters. She throws on her book bag and plays a song as we make our way to meet and greet.


     "Well my knees are okay, but my ankles," Billie points to her ankles and explains the situation to the two kids who were next in line.

I smile, she's so good with them. I'm beyond excited to be experiencing all of the joy that comes with meet and greet.

"Can we get a picture Billie?" Maggie asks.
She nods and pulls them close to her as Maggie takes their picture. Billie hugs them both tightly before they go on and the next person comes. It went on like this for a while. After meet and greet, we headed back to the green room for her to change again.

"Keep that outfit on, I like it on you," she tells me.
I go up to her and hug her, putting my head in her chest. We were around the same height, always both so small.

She hugs me and rubs my back, rocking me with her, "I'm so happy you're here,"

I laugh, "Can we just stay like this forever?"

She squeezes me and kisses me on the forehead, "Of course we can."

We stood there for a couple of minutes before Finneas came to interrupt.
"Billie we are on in 5," he says.

I look up, "Sorry Finn, she's staying with me. You go do the show without her."

She laughs and pulls away, "Promise I'll be back soon."

I give her a fake pout before grabbing her hand as we make our way to the stage. I step back as they put her mic box and other cords around her back.

Maggie comes up behind me and squeezes my shoulders, "You ready?"
I nod as Billie comes running up to me, "One minute! I'll be watching you jump from the sidelines right?"

I smile, "Yea, who knows. I might jump into the pit sometime."

She looks back and sees the beginning of the show play out as the crowd screams for her to come on. She looks back at me with her eyes full of joy, kissing me and running off.

I scream from the sidelines with Maggie as she records the first minute of bad guy for her story. I look over at Maggie and point to the pit and she nods. I take my backstage lanyard and run to the pit, squeezing into the front with the help of security.
For the first half of the show, I jumped and screamed and when my absolute fucking hardest for her. She kept stealing glances at me, giving me sly smiles. Of course the crowd saw, they didn't know it was towards me though. Billies team brings out a stool next to her and I frown, I've never seen her shows like this?

She grabs a water and sits down, "How are all of you out there? Good? Hydrated?"

The crowd screams with joy. She smiles and nods, making her way down the steps. I scream with the others around me, as she makes her way down the isle, touching hands. I stop screaming and put my hair in a bun, I was a sweaty mess.

Billie makes her way down the isle, and I stick my hand out for her. She smiles and stops right in front of me, grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Holy shit oh my god," I could hear people screaming from my left and right.

Billie motions for security to come and let me out. My heart was beating so fast, what was she doing?

Once I was next to her she hugs me and puts her face close to mine while saying into the mic, "You good baby?"

I smile and nod as she pulls me up on stage. All I could see was the flash of lights as everyone recorded the scene. I knew exactly what she was doing now. She makes me sit on the stool, and wraps her arm around me, staring at the crowd as they roar with encouragement.

"So tonight I have brought a very special person on stage with me," She starts.

She raises her hand to quiet the crowd down some before continuing, "I mean, I just thought it was about time you met my girlfriend, right?"

I put my hand over my mouth as tears start to run down my cheeks. I have been waiting so long for this day to happen, and my heart is swelled with joy. I stand up and bear hug her, as she hugs me back.

"You good baby?" She says into the mic towards me.

I nod, and look up at her, "I love you."

My voice echoed through out the stadium as the crowd went wild.

She smirks and kisses my lips, "Well that's amazing but, baby I don't feel so good-"

She starts to sing the beginning words to wish you were gay, and Finneas followed.

She makes me sit back down on the stool as she reaches down and grabs her pride flag. I gasp, I didn't even realize it wasn't hung up in the green room. She likes to do that to make herself feel more at home.

She winks at me and wraps it around her body as she faces the crowd, "I just kinda wish you were gay!"

She starts the second verse and I start to sing along, waving my hand in the air. Everyone in the crowd followed me, it made me feel so powerful.

"How am I supposed to make you feel okay?" Billie moves her body to the beat, hitting every single one of them.

She starts to swing the flag around, singing the bridge, "-just say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation. I'm so selfish- but you make me feel helpless yea."
She motions for me for me to come and stand next to her. I eagerly get up and stand next to her as she takes my hand and we both sway to the beat.

She twirls me around and brings me fully into her embrace, our noses touching as she sings the last bit of the song, "I just kind of wish you were gay."

She ligers there, looking at my lips before smashing hers to mine. She fully embraces me, wrapping her arms around my neck.
Once she pulls away she smiles and says into the mic, "I'll love you forever, angel you."

I smile and peck her lips again before we both look into the crowd, hand in hand. Me and Billie both race off stage for a minute to collect ourselves.

She looks at me and starts bursting into tears, "I love you so much, y/n." She bear hugs me, her arms shaking.
I hug her back, stroking her hair, "I love you too Billie, it's okay. It's okay."

She buries her face into my neck, squeezing me hard before taking my hands into hers, "You and me, always angel okay?"

I nod and kiss her before her manager approached us, "1 minute Billie!"

She smiles at me, "I want you to come on the bed with me, during I love you. Like we always used to do."

She winks at me before heading back out to the crowd. I smile and sit down, taking a water. Me and Billie used to sit in her room and sing I love you together, finding the perfect harmony's that no one has heard yet. I'm beyond excited to finally have people hear it, and to perform it just as we always did.

Billie Eilish ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz