Chapter 12

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Shepherds POV

"Garrus, use overload on the panel!" I yell as I start shooting again at these Varren reapers. "Okay, were in," Garrus says. "Liara, use singularity," I command at her. "Got it!" she says as she fling the blue orb across the room picking up the hounds along the way.

Right as we get in the door slams down.

"Those things, where defiantly not Varren anymore," Liara says catching her breath. "Good thing that the door is made out of reaper metal, other wise we would be meat," Garrus says. I look around there's one hallway that leads towards a center room. "Alright 2 minutes to rest, check your ammo and gear," I say doing the same.

I'm out of my Harrier Rifle, The shotgun, SMG, but not my Phalanx. I didn't bring the Prothean rifle, because I wasn't really sure about it. It's new, but it scares me for somereason.

"Ready," Liara and Garrus say in unison. "Okay let's go," I say bring up my pistol an walking down the hallway. We get to the end, and turn the corner and stop.

In the Center of the room is a tank with a red headed human in it. "Liara, get info on what this is," I say. I look and see a rack of all Cerberus Armor. "Garrus, tag and bag the armor, weapons and mods that you find over there," I command. Then we here fire from the door on the other side of the room. "Get ready," Garrus says. I aim and turn in the Blue laser sight on my Phalanx.

The door opens. It's Miranda.

Authors note

Hey guys hope you are enjoying, it's really fun to make, and again I don't own any Mass effect Characters or stuff, but I did come up with the Prothean sniper rifle. so anyways enjoy!!!!!

Mass Effect 4: The new beginningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें