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 Zayn stopped for a moment from what seems like a never-ending walk, took a deep breath and looked around. The only thing that he saw was the rows of big trees, which looked cold and blur due to the fog that started to fall down.

"Hmm I think I’m lost.” Standing still for a minute, he then suddenly concludes something. “Aaand. Yup I am definitely lost; I must find the right way soon." Zayn mumbled to himself. He reached out his pants pocket and pulled out a compass. He tried to analyze where he was by the compass, but it seems like it was not working well. Its magnetic needle just keeps on going in a circular motion nonstop.

        "Bloody hell." Zayn finally threw the compass into the forest ground, shattering it into pieces. “Why did I even buy that thing? I don’t even know how it works.” He decided to walk randomly following his own instincts.

But before he could even get far enough from where he took a rest, it suddenly rains. Zayn does not want to get wet so he run away quickly, trying to find a shelter.

        His visions begin to get blurry because of the rain but he just kept on running. Zayn didn’t noticed the root of a big tree protruding on the ground, tripping on the root Zayn lost his balance, falling on the ground. His body rolled down the hill. Low groans came out from his lips due the pain he felt because of hitting some tree roots and small stones. Slowly, his consciousness started to fade and the rain starts to get heavier. Last thing he saw before his eyelids became heavier was a beautiful face that jumped beside him. The stranger’s blue eyes looking at him full of concern.


        Zayn felt like his whole body has been hit by a truck, every part is in pain that he can’t barely move. He tried so hard to regain his consciousness but his eyelids still feels so heavy. Slowly, he opened his eyes, after adjusting his visoin to the dim light coming from the oil lamp in the wall. He tried to look around and heard some steps not far from where he is laying.

Zayn wanted to know if there is someone else in the room but he did not saw anyone. He touched his forehead and felt some bandages in it looking down at his body he noticed that he does not have any shirt only some black boxers that he doesn’t even own.

He tried to sit up, but winced a little because of the pain that suddenly spread to his whole body when he moved. Zayn sat up in the edge of the bed and found his backpack laying on the corner and his clothes on the chair near it.

        Zayn took a deep breath, tried to remember everything before he had woke up in this place. But his entire mind was cloudy. The only thing he could remember was when the rains started to fall and when he started to ran like a maniac to find some shelter.

And he couldn't remember anything after that. “Ugh, stupid brain why can’t you remember anything? I hate you.”

Suddenly his stomach growled loudly making him blush a little. “You didn’t even help me think now you’re complaining that you’re hungry. I hate you too tummy.” Zayn said with a pout while rubbing his stomach.

        He remember he brought some food in his backpack, so he stood up from the bed and walked as slowly as he can to reduce the pain in his whole body. However, before he could reached the corner where his backpack is, he saw something on the table. He changed his direction and went directly to the table .His stomach started to growl again when he smelled the delicious aroma from the soup as Zayn opened its cover. “Hush now tummy, food is here.” Zayn said. Without having any doubt that the food might be poisoned, he sat down and started to eat like there is no tomorrow.

        After eating, he lazily walked back to the bed, threw his body to the soft mattress and slept quickly.

        Zayn did not notice that there was a pair of blue orbs looking at his every move behind the door. When the tan lad finally went to a complete slumber, the door opened and a boy came in. He walked slowly almost without a single noise, and went to Zayn’s sleeping form. The boy caresses Zayn’s cheeks while smirking


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Have a good day/night wherever you are.

Beautiful Creature [z.h]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें