Calculester x Short!Robot!Reader

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     Requested by @ChibiSailorBendy

     Thanks for the request!


     Calculester tried his best to listen to his friends, Damien and Scott, but found it hard when (Y/N) entered the room. The two robots had been dating for nearly three months now, but the female was still able to make Calculester overheat. "Cal, you alright buddy?" Scott asked. When he didn't get a reply, he started looking around. When his eyes landed on (Y/N), he smirked. "Oh, I see what's going on." He grabbed Damien, much to his dismay, and dragged him out of the classroom. "Enjoy the time with your girlfriend!"

Calculester watched the two go before his attention was brought back to (Y/N). It looked like she was trying to reach for something but couldn't quite reach. Calculester smiled before walking over to her. "Need some help, (Y/N)?" He asked, having dropped the addition of "friend" a few weeks back.

The female smiled up at him. "Yes actually. Could you grab those paper towels for me?" Calculester grabbed the towels and handed them to her. "Thanks!"

"No problem." He watched as she started unrolling some of it. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you need them?"

"Oh, the Wolfpack dumped into me and knocked some water on me."

"What?!" Calculester exclaimed. "Are you okay?! Do you need me to take you to the hospital?!"

(Y/N) laughed lightly. "I'm fine, Cal. I'm more waterproof than you are. I'm gonna be okay."

"Can I at least help you dry off?" The male robot asked, his hand outstretched to grab the towels.

"Sure! I could really use it when doing my back and stuff." The two started patting (Y/N) down with the towels, soaking up all of the water that they could. "Thanks for the help, Cal. You're a good boyfriend." (Y/N) gave him a quick peck on the lips displayed on his screen.

Calculester could feel himself overheating again as he began to stutter. "N-no pro-problem." Calculester then did something out of character. He kissed her. She was surprised at first, but soon melted into the kiss.

When they pulled apart, (Y/N) giggled. "What was that for?"

"You know I love you, right?"

"Of course silly! Why do you ask?"

"No reason. Just making sure."

System Update: True Love


Sorry this was so short. I feel like it's sweet in its own way though, so hopefully it's good enough.

Have a wonderful day!


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