First meeting (1)

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I had just started my job this week in media services for the Atlanta Braves organization. I enjoy it so far, it doesn't quite fulfill my dream of sitting around in the dugout during a game, but I was as close as I'll ever get, so I was thrilled to have my resume accepted.

Walking down the hallway, I was lookin down into my folder of papers for the day, trying to plan out my schedule for the day, when I suddenly smacked right into someone's chest. My papers went flying and I stumbled backwards. To my surprise someone caught me before I hit the ground, as I steadied myself, I could hear someone talking to me, only in a language I couldn't understand.

Looking up, my eyes widened when I instantly recognized who i had  ran into. Standing in front of me were two star braves players, Ozzie albies, and Ronald Acuña jr. Who was currently scrambling to pick up my papers.

Standing, Ronald handed me my papers with round eyes, repeating that one phrase over and over.

Frowning, I heard a chuckle beside me, turning to look at Ozzie, he translated for me.

"He's just rambling on about how sorry he is."

I smiled in relief, glad I could finally understand.

"It's okay really, no harm done."

Ozzie glanced at Ronald and repeated what I had said in Spanish. He shook his head, seeming to be relieved as well.

"Are you new here?"

My eyes turned to Ozzie again, "um yes, I just started this week, my name is Ellie"

I saw Ronald smile as Ozzie translated again. He glanced at me, still smiling as he opened his mouth to say something to me in Spanish.

My eyes we're wide as the fast flowing words left his mouth. After he had finished I had no idea what he had just said. My wide eyes met his again,

"I have no idea what you just said but you sound really nice saying it."

A blush instantly lit up my whole face after I realized what had just came out of my mouth.

Once Ozzie had stopped laughing, he translated what I had said. I watched ad Ronald rubbed his neck and dropped his head a little, smiling out of embarrassment.

Ozzie turned to me again, "oh and he said your very pretty by the way."

I blushed again as Ronald smacked him lightly, catching on to what Ozzie had said to me.

"Ron just got called up a short while ago so he's still trying to learn how to talk to pretty girls in English."

I laughed at Ozzie, "well I have been trying to teach myself Spanish forever, but it's really hard to do on your own."

When Ozzie told Ronald that I said I wanted to learn Spanish, his eyes lit up as he talked back to Ozzie excitedly, causing me to smile before I even knew what he was saying.

"He says that if you could teach him English, he could teach you Spanish."

I grinned, i love the Spanish language, and it would be a valid excuse to get to know Ronald more.

"I would love to help."

After hearing what i had said, Ronald pulled out his phone, and set up a new contact with my name, I smiled when he handed me his phone and I saw that the only blank left was for my number. I typed in my digits and passed the phone back to him.

Ozzie smacked him lightly on the back of the head, "see he doesn't need my help to hit on girls."

While I was laughing, my phone buzzed, I looked down to see a text from a unknown number.


I shyly looked up at Ronald and giggled as I typed my reply.

These would be some very interesting language classes.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

A dream and a journey जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें